Chapter 7: Shower [KINDA MATURE]

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WARNING: SPICY CONTENT AHEAD. I was planning on a smut chapter, but it just wasn't working. I promise actual smut will be soon.🤭

[slight sexual content, and self harm will be brought up:( ]

Wilhelm woke up with Simon completely sprawled out on top of him. Simons head layed on Willes chest, while one of his arms and one of his legs wrapped around the princes torso.

Wilhelm softy shuffled around so that he could see Simon, he gently moved a black curl out of the smaller boys face.

The red light that was turned on last night (which was only turned on for sleeping) bounced off the walls and off of Simons features, mixed with the morning light which shined proudly through the window.

Simons eyes slowly revealed themselves to Willes. A small smirk formed on both of the boys faces.

"Hey," Wilhelm said, morning taking a hold of his voice

"Hey," Simon said back, scooting even closer to the boy as if that was even possible

"How are you?" Wille asked, his eyes still on Simon

"I'm okay," Simon closed his eyes again, nuzzling his face further into the princes chest, inhaling deeply.

Wilhelm ran his hands through the smaller boys hair, before taking a deep breath. "Okay?" Wille sat himself up resting himself up on one elbow. Causing Simon to detach himself.

Now laying on his back while looking at the boy who was clearly concerned, Simon rubbed his eyes. "Wille.." Simon waited to get Wilhelms full attention "I'm happy that I'm with you, there's just a lot going on that's all."

Wilhelm nodded, pressing a heated kiss against Simons lips. "Okay,"

"Okay," Simon pressed his lips against Wilhelms one more time.

Simon groaned before getting up out of the bed, leaving Wilhelm alone watching him.

Simons pajama pants now we're getting paired with a purple hoodie as Simon pulled it over his head.

"Did you bring any extra clothes?" Simon asked the prince, who layed in bed with a white t-shirt on.

Wilhelm shook his head no but then grinned at a thought, his head resting against his palm which was being held up by his elbow.

Seeing his expression, Simons eyes squinted as if he were trying to look into Wilhelms mind

"What..." Simon said slowly, questioning him

"Well, I do have that one orange swea-"

Simons face sparked to instant panic, his hands instantly covering his red face, his body turning around so that his back faced the other boy  "Wille.." Simon groaned

"Simmmmmee" Wilhelm mocked, giggling while getting up out of bed, his arms snaking around Simons small waist. Willes mouth now next to Simons ear he whispered "you can keep it,"

Simon instantly turned so that he was facing Wilhelm, Wilhelm pulled Simon close so that they were pressed against eachother.

Simons lips began forming into a big smile. "Well, I actually was wondering if..." Simon licked his lips slowly, considering if he should continue. "Could I get this," Simon whispered, his lips a breath away from touching Wilhelms. Simons fingers began tugging at the hem of Wilhelms shirt, "the sweater doesn't smell like you anymore,"

Wilhelm grinned while he slowly took off his shirt, teasing Simon. Once the white tshirt was off, Wilhelm grabbed the front waistband of Simons pants and guided him over to the bed, the tshirt still in one of his hands.

Not looking away from Simon, Wille tossed the white shirt onto the bed. Crashing his lips against Simons before Simon pulled away slowly.

"Shower." Simon stated, a small grin appearing on his face

"Hmm" Wilhelm hummed, still dazed and staring at Simons lips.

"Shower with me," Simon said, biting his bottom lip

Wilhelm pulled Simons hips in and planted a wet kiss onto his lips "I would love to," he whispered

Now both in the bathroom, after a walk down the hallway where there lips only once disconnected, Simon turned on the shower before taking his clothes off, Wilhelm doing the same.

Both clothes now completely off, Simon took a few steps towards Wilhelm and connected their lips. Simon grabbed Willies hand and pulled him into the walk in shower. Wilhelm smirked stupidly while following the pretty boy.

The shower wasn't anything fancy, it wasn't very big either. Just enough to fit 3 people as long as they squeezed together. The walls and floor were covered with white tile, there was a small rack that hung from the shower head that was filled with cheap drugstore shampoos and conditioners.

Simon turned the silver handle up, so that the water would turn on. The sound of rain filled the bathroom bouncing off the walls.

Simons back faced the Prince, hot water rolled down both the boys naked bodies. Wilhelm reached over Simons shoulder to grab a bar of soap, causing Wilhelm to press completely against Simon.

Wille now held the soap and slowly began to wash the smaller boys back, as one hand washed Simon the other held gently at his waist.

"So do you want kids in the future?" Wille asked, concentrating on Simons back.

Simon laughed and leaned back into Willes touch, causing Wille to slightly stumble backwards "where did that come from?"

"Do you?" Wille smiled, and stopped washing Simon before spinning him around to face him.

Simon squinted his eyes with a smile as he thought about Willes question. "Only if it's with you." Simon said, his pointed fingers gently pushing against Wilhelms wet chest.

Wilhelms mouth turned up while he aggressively pulled Simons waist into him and nailed their mouths together.

Desperate. Their mouths danced together, Simons hands explored Wilhelms chest, back and hair.

Wilhelm began to kiss gently on Simons neck, causing Simon let out small breathy moans, Simon leaned his head back to make it easier for Wilhelm to continue.

Wilhelms lips then moved to Simons chest, Simons back began to arch while Wilhelm worked his way down to Simons stomach, then v-line then...

"Wait stop." Simon said stepping back and pulling Wilhelm up to meet him. Simons eyes filled with fear and guilt. Both of his hands formed a sheild covering the insides of his thighs. Simons heart was beating so hard that he was sure Wilhelm could hear it.

"What's wrong?" Wilhelm said gently, one of his hands finding Simons waist. Wilhelms worried eyes slowly traced down to Simons hands, and their awkward placement. His eyebrows turned down with confusion.

Simon realized that Wilhelm knew he was hiding something. And he reacted by completely freaking out. Simon turned and turned off the water quickly. Then spun back to look at Wille once again.

Wilhelm just stood there filled with worry, his hand still rested on Simons waist.

"Wille get out." Simon said, his hands slowly left the inside of his thighs, to push Willes hand of his waist.

Now both of his thighs were revealed. The insides were covered with dark discolored scars

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This chapter needs a lot of work. But I've made yall wait long enough so I've decided to post it. I will probably be making some changes, so If parts are confusing I will fix them soon and you can come back and read this chapter again if you would like. The actual story and plot of this chapter won't change. Thankyou for reading!!

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