Where are them rings?

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Me and Chris sat in the living room for a while watching a movie . . . I finally got up and gave him a kiss before getting ready for bed
I washed my face and then went into the room and put my pjs on . . . I climbed into bed and lay down staring out off the window I didn't hear Chris coming in . . .
I closed my eyes gently before feeling his warm body behind me . . . I smiled before snuggling back up into him . . . He snuggled his head down into my neck before finally falling asleep . . .
I woke at 7:36am to an empty bed . . . I looked out the window to see a foggy morning . . . I put on a pair off slippers and walked over to the boys room . . . I checked in on them both still asleep.
I grabbed a quick, brisk shower. I walked back into the room and began getting changed.
While I was styling my hair I noticed my wedding rings where missing.
"Where are my rings..." I mumbled to myself as I searched the room . . . Knowing how valuable it was I began to search the very floor. . . As I was looking under the bed I heard a pit of footsteps approaching me . . . I thought nothing off it
"I guess your looking for these!" I was startled at the voice . . . As I jumped I banged my head on the frame off our bed.
I sat and sulked for a while before he came over . . .
"Awh Bubs . . . Are you ok darling?" He rubbed the back off my head before bringing me In for a hug . . .
"Yeah I'm fine . . . I think" I snuggled into his chest before standing back up
"Like I said, I suppose your looking for these . . ."
I looked up to see him standing there with the rings . . . He smirked as he played with them in his fingers
I nodded . . . He chuckled before handing the rings back to me . . . I put them back on before I felt him pick me up.
He kept his hands on my lower back as I wrapped mine around his neck . . . He gently lifted my legs up so as they were wrapped around him . . . We started to have a cute wee make out session . . . Before I knew it he had us lying on the bed . . . Him on top me on the bottom.
I kept my hands around his neck as we continued to make out . . .

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