Is there something your not telling me?

7 0 0

It had been a couple months from the wedding. Me and Chris had both been back at work since then. I hadn't told anyone but close family about being pregnant. It was getting harder and harder to hide at work since the bump started to show more. 

I woke up this morning at 7:00 am. Chris was still in bed but he was awake. 


''Morning!'' I leant over giving him a small peck on the lips. 

''Gosh, what's the outfit plan off attack today?'' He looked down at the bump which was 100% visible at this point. 

''I don't know, it's still small I mean I am only 4 months pregnant!''

''Yeah but it's still noticeable!''

''Sure I hear you, I'll find something!''

I got up and checked in the wardrobe, I looked through some more of my loser items.

''What about this dress?'' I pulled out a green dress which was reasonable flowy.

''That's good but if you sit down it might hold round the bump!''

''Sure I probably won't be sitting for too long!''

''Ok then!''

Chris got up and grabbed his work clothes before heading for the bathroom. I heard the shower running

''Will you leave it on for me please!''


I went back into the room grabbing a pair of black leggings to wear under the dress because it was kind off a shirt dress. I also grabbed my black boots and placed them all on the bed.

Chris came out off the shower and went into the boys. I got in and had a quick brisk shower.

Once I got out it was 7:15am. I started getting changed and done my hair and makeup before heading into the kitchen. I grabbed some toast and buttered it before eating it while trying to sort my bag out for work. 

''Are you ok to leave the boys off with your mum? Or do I need to I don't mind either way!''

''No, no I'm fine to!''

''Ok great!''

I packed up a wee bag for the boys to bring to Cathy's before setting it on the kitchen island. It was 8:20am at this point, I grabbed my hand bag and my keys before going over to give the boys a wee hug.

''See you two later!'' I gave them both a hug and a kiss before heading for Chris who was standing near the front door.

''Bye sweetie'' I gave him a small kiss as I left the house.

I arrived at school at 8:35am. I locked my car and walked in and headed straight for my office. 

I logged onto my computer and then began answering and sending emails. I was halfway through and email when the door knocked.

''Come on in!''

''Hey Sarah, hate to bother you I'm just curious about this page of cover!''

''Oh sure Charlotte come on in!''

She pulled up the chair and set it in front of my desk. We chatted about the cover page for about 2 minutes before the conversation changed.

I had lay back in my chair a bit which cause the bump to be a little noticeable. I could see Charlotte glancing down at it every now and then but she said nothing.

''So how is wee Tilly and Peggy?''

''Oh yeah they are fine! Torturing me!''

''Ahaha, sure that's what kids do! How's Ian?''

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