Chapter Two

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It was around midday, Helaena and I were keeping each other company farther out on the Red Keep's grounds. It has been about a week since my arrival and not much has changed. The princess and I have grown closer by the day, Aemond and I still exchange snarky and competitive remarks (if we even speak to each other at all), and Aegon has been a sleaze as per usual. I snapped closed the play I had been reading aloud to Helaena since the library, she enjoyed it very much.

"I wish to have a romance as those two did," she sighs, eyes dazzling at the thought. I had to agree with her, the end of the play was ever so romantic, one can only dream to experience the love the two characters had for each other. Helaena twirls in a daydream, "Can you imagine? Dancing with the one you love after having to fight so diligently to be with them," she giggles and grabs my arms, pulling me forward into a playful dance.

We both laugh while dancing and spinning up the grounds. Joy bubbles all through my body as she squeals when I spin her, the bottom of her dress flowing along with her.

"What's going on here?"

Helaena's laughter immediately stops, her smile disappears in a flash, and she stumbles behind me a bit. The venomous tone of Aegon's voice sent me to immediate irritation. He stood there, sword in one hand, eyes perversely scanning over us. It only takes me a fraction of a second to notice Aemond standing a foot behind him, placing his sword in his sheath as his eye holds mine.

I turn back to Aegon, "Good day to you as well my Prince," I speak through gritted teeth, "We were just returning from our stroll."

Aegon's sickening smirk makes its way onto his face, "Do all women dance like mindless little girls on their strolls?"

I flash Aemond a look, his sneer directed towards his brother. I have to force myself to look away from him. When I look back towards Aegon, he is somehow closer.

"Though, I wouldn't mind a dance from you. Especially in a dress like that."

A small gasp escapes me and I stumble back, now feeling uncomfortable in my lower cut dress. He eyes me up and down and I feel Helaena step closer to me, unwilling to involve herself.

Before I could say anything a voice interrupted, "If it's a dance you wish, you may have one with my sword," Aemond spits out, his long fingers resting on the handle of his blade. "Maybe before trying to win over a lady, you learn how to fight for her."

I feel my cheeks flush and I cannot tell if it is out of anger or if my heart is quickening because of the smoothness of his words. Aegon's ears go red and hot as he lets out a low angered growl and returns to his vexed  brother. I find Aemond's eye once more, unable to conjure the words to thank him. He lifts his chin, small out of place hairs fall in front of his face. Giving me a once-over, he lets a slight smirk escape onto his lips, and turns away. Even without words, he knew how annoyed I was that it was he who saved me from that situation, and that I was unfortunately grateful for it.

Linking my arm around Helaena's, who's presence I had almost forgotten, I force smiling words, "I think we shall return, how does tea and pastries sound your Grace?" She offers me a sad smile then a nod and I guide us back inside.


I stare at myself in the mirror and tug at my gown, feeling insecure from my encounter earlier with Prince Aegon. I've changed into a simple deep purple dress with flowing sleeves and a gold ribbon wrapped several times around my waist, loose ends tied in the front. I braided a section of my hair over the top of my head, giving the effect as if I am wearing a headband. Adjusting my rose necklace, I open my door to find Aemond leaning up against the wall waiting for me.

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