Chapter Five-If I Am Not Human Than What Am I? (Ryan Pov)

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~Present Day~

I went back to bed, thoughts ran through my head. After the kick, I started feeling differently, I am going to shrug it off as being half asleep. I started falling asleep then I woke up in some woods somewhere. It was dark and it had thick fog on the ground. "Ryan, is that you?" a voice said. "Chase, where are you?". Chase walked out of the fog "Welcome to the woods." "How did I get here?" "Do you remember after I kicked you? Well, I didn't kick you but you know what I mean?" "Yeah, it was a pretty hard kick." "Well when you looked up your eyes flashed two different colours." I looked a chase with disbelief. "So what you are telling me is that you kicking me caused something to awaken inside?" Chase nodded his head yes.

I got mad and punched a tree and hurt my hand. Vines grew from the ground and wrapped around my wrist. I started to panic. "Ryan, look at your hands," Chase said. I looked at my hands and saw one glowing red and one glowing white. "Also, your eyes are glowing too," Chase said. Chase pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a picture and show it to me. "this gotta be a dream...I can't be using magic." I said. I felt pain in my back two wings sprouted one black and one white. Chase backed up. "What are you?" "I don't know" The wings disappeared and I fell to the ground.

I woke up in bed, and it was freezing. "was it just a dream?" I asked myself. I walked out of the room and saw Kevin and Noah sitting at the table. "Good morning, I made coffee," Kevin said. I saw Chase had fallen on the floor still knocked out. "after what happened last night I think the wolfsbane knocked him completely out. Although he did growl in his sleep and tried to attack his pillow" Kevin said. I went over there and grabbed his phone and checked the pictures, I dropped the phone on what I saw. Noah ran over there and grabbed Chase's phone to see what made me drop it. "Ha I was right you are not human," he said. I turned around "If I am not human, then what am I?" I asked. "The book, the book under the sink it will help y'all" Chase mumbled.

I went to the kitchen sink open the cabinet and pick up a book. "the study of Beasts and potions making...looks like a pretty old book." I said. I open the book and flipped it until I found something.

-Eye flashing or glowing is a phenomenon that only happens with beasts or the supernatural. The colour represents the beast they are. If someone's eyes flash or glow two different colors they are a hybrid of some kind-

"By looking at this it says I am some sort of hybrid...Saying that out loud sounds kinda weird," I said. "Let me see that book. It said right here that you are half angel and half demon." Noah said. "Is that bad?" "Not exactly it says right here"

-an angel-demon hybrid can use both light and dark magic. Although quite rare my studies show that an angel-demon hybrid can either be bad or good and it all depends on where their heart leads.-

"So if my heart stays good, I won't go bad?" I asked. "So..." "Hold up guys, Noah does it say anything about the woods. Because it's gotta be a real place or it wouldn't have shown up on Chase's phone." "uhh...let me see" Noah started to flip through the pages "No, but my guess is either whoever wrote this book was a human and didn't have access to the woods or Ryan managed to get the photo on Chase's phone from the dream."
"I am going with the first option because Ryan doesn't seem that powerful to do all of that," Kevin said. "Anyways let's hit the road because I want to get to the cabins before I find out that one of my family members is also supernatural," I said and started the RV.

~Couple of years ago~

"so what you are saying is that you can't feel any emotion but you are seeing your worst self in your dreams?" the therapist said. She wrote stuff down, "It's not like I see my worst self, it's like being my worst self. I see myself in these dreams being trapped and feeling angry then I change In the dreams into like some sort of monster." "And what kinda monster do you see?"
"It's like some sort of demon, with red eyes and black wings. It started to scare me when it happens over and over again" "Do you hurt anybody in these dreams" "Yes, but it only happens a couple of times more often than not I just flee from the area," the therapist wrote something down and close the folder. "I mean the meds seem not to be working I would change to a different prescription." I started to feel frustrated "I am not worried about the meds, I am just worried about what is wrong with me" "I see that you're frustrated right now we will talk about this the next time we will meet." she handed me the notes.

I stormed out of the building, I noticed the paper started to catch fire in my hand. I throw the paper on the ground and started to stomp on it. "Ok, that was strange," I looked at my hand nothing no fire or anything to cause the paper to catch on fire, my hand wasn't even hot. "there's no way I am going crazy. The paper caught on fire" I said.

~Present day~

As night falls I decided to stop the RV as it was the last stop before we reached the cabins, "Guys, Chase woke up" Noah said. Chase got up from the floor and sat on the chair. "hey guys, I am sorry y'all had to deal with me yesterday. I am also sorry for kicking you Ryan" Chase said. "It's ok Chase, but do you know what happened and what you saw in the woods?" Ryan said. "I saw Dorothy and she told me that I can defeat a demon, but she never told me how because I got interrupted by a shadow with red eyes. He tried to get into my head but I guess something was blocking him from doing it. He wouldn't say his name but with the things, he was saying I knew it was Ty. And then I started to become delusional because I lost my wolf and then Noah showed up." "You put up a hell of a fight though after you transformed back. Your eyes were yellow and you went after me, we had to hold you down" Noah said, "I said I was sorry" "Chase we are not blaming you. But when we get to the cabins we can start training so in case Ty does go after us we would be ready"

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