The Drug In Me Is You

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I woke up and looked around. It was dark. It looks like I've slept for a whole day. Dirk was still there near me by my bed. I smiled and patted his head getting out of bed. I wasn't supposed to, but I did. I didn't care anymore. I wanted to die. But I don't want to leave Dirk. I stared out the window and looked at the bright moon. I chuckled and snook into Dirk's room closing the door. I grabbed his guitar and started to sing as I had a pain in my chest.

I heard a knock on my door the other day
I opened it to find death staring in my face
The feel of mortal stalking still reverberates
Everywhere I go I drag this coffin just in case
. . .
The bodies tremblin' sends shivers up my spine
Adrenaline kicks in shifts into overdrive
Your secrets keep you sick your lies keep you alive
Snake eyes every single time you roll with crooked dice
I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down
The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house
I wrestle my thoughts I shook the hand of doubt
Running from my past in praying feet don't fail me now
. . .
I've lost my godamn mind
It happens all the time
I can't believe I'm actually
Meant to be here
Trying to consume
The drug in me is you
And I'm so high on misery
Can't you see

Tears started filling my eyes as Dirk walked into the room and looked at me. "Jake...? I heard what you were singing..." He said going towards me. I sobbed and he pulled me into a hug. "It's okay Jake. It'll be alright." I knew it wasn't though. Because I won't be here that long in this world.

Disclaimer: songs don't belong to me

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