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"Just breathe!" I thought to myself as I slipped on my old ripped vans. I had just got a text from my best friend, Logan Wilburn, that my boyfriend was walking into my enemy, Ashley's, house while lustfully kissing her.

I slowly grabbed my keys and twisted the knob of my door.

When I walked outside, the warm Australia air hit my face. I got in my car and began to drive to uncharted waters.

"Ok I am so going to kick her ass if what Logan said was true!!" I vented to myself knowing that I probably wouldn't do anything because I am too much of a wuss.

When I pulled up, I could see Ashley's purple bike leaning up against our me and Ash's favorite tree.

I slowly turned off the ignition and slipped out of my car quietly and as steathly as possible.

I went to his door and let myself in.

I could literally hear Ashley's moans.

I walked up his stairs quickly while still being quiet and peered my head around the corner of the wall.


I silently tiptoed to Ash's door and placed my ear to it. "OH ASHEYYYY!!!!" I cringed.

Maybe He wasn't cheating on me. Maybe he was helping someone else.

"I guess we'll find out huh?" I mumbled to myself. I placed my hand on the knob and silently turned it.

I peered my head around the door and saw what I feared the most.

There he was hunched over Ashley while violently bucking his hips, while Ashley let out loud grunts and moans. "Oh Ashy!!!" she moaned again. "You like that don't you baby girl!!!" ashton said while greedily groping her boobs.


Before I realised what I was doing i yelled out "Oh yeah 'Ashy' she fucking loves it!!!!"

He jolted out of her and immediately turned around, showing me his glory and all. "Hey-y I-zzy!!" he said horrified. His eyes sofened. "Um it's not what it looks like!!!" while Ashley slowly started to put her clothes back on while looking at me intently.

I just stared at him while tears slipped down my cheeks.

"Fuck you Ashton Irwin, Fuck you!!"

I ran down his stairs as he called my name probably trying to get dressed in time to catch me.

I hopped in my car, turned the key, started the ignition, and fled out of there.

"He cheated on me. He cheated on me. He cheated on me." was all I could think while I made my way to my house.

Ok hey my name is Izzy and I know this was short but this is just the start if you liked it vote or whatever!!! And please comment and tell me if I should do a sequel!!!!

(P.s, I know there will be a lot of grammar mistakes and what not in this book, just please keep it to yourself and don't leave rude comments!!! I love you all!!! And all these ideas are mine so if you find any idea Stealer's or theme takers please report them and message me ASAP. Byezzzzzzz love you all.)

I'm yours IzzyWhere stories live. Discover now