Name calling.

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I watched as Luke ripped his shirt off his body and lowered his body on to mine and sucked harshly on my neck.

I let out a soft moan as Luke left love bites on my neck and jaw line.

He smirked with satisfaction as i writhed underneath his touch.

He tugged at the bottom of my shirt and i rolled it off.

While he was throwing my shirt to the side i took the opportunity to flip us over so i was on top.

He then grabbed my waist and pushed me down onto his growing member.

I moaned loudly and then pressed my hips hard onto his middle.

I moved up and kissed him hardly before moving my hand down to play with the button on his jeans.

He moaned into my mouth before mumbling "Are you sure about this?", while i shook my head yes.

I knew we were not going to have sex just, give each other some 'love' until the time we really do have sex.

I moved my body to where i was positioned just over his crouch and began unbuttoning his jeans and pulling down the zipper.

"H-hey Izzy, y-you do know how to, erm you know?" he said while eyeing me hopefully.

"Do i know how to what, give head?" i said rather cocky while i rolled my eyes playfully.

He blushed and shook his head yes.

"Yes Luke if you are so worried, i have given head before and quite frankly several times so shut
up!!" I said while pulling his jeans away from his body and letting his painfully large boner stretch in his boxers.

I began palming him through his jeans and he immediatly threw his head back and let out loud moan.

"Fuck, Izzy don't tease me!!!" he said while bucking his hip's slightly.

I then licked up his covered member and i felt him grow harder with each building inch.

I licked his v-lines and then took the waistband of his underwear in my mouth.

I began to slowly inch them down and Luke became a writhing mess beneath me.

I dropped the waistband of his boxers and let them snap against his member, he jumped and grunted before i placed a soft kiss on his lips before going back to work.

I wrapped my hands around the waistband of his boxers and yanked down suddenly and watched as his massive friend slapped against his stomach hard.

He let out a whimper and sucked in a breath.

I brought my hand up to his throbbing member and wrapped my digits around them before pumping slowly as Luke let out a relieved sigh.

I brought my mouth to his tip and gave a swift lick across the slit, before spreading his pre-cum with my fingers.

"B-babe d-don't make me c-cum in your hand!' he said while pulling on my braid.

I obliged to his wishes and placed his throbbing tip in my mouth before sucking and bobbing my head up and down his length.

He moaned my name as a string of curses left his mouth.

I wrapped my tiny hands around the other half of his dick that i simply could not fit in my mouth.

"Fuck!" he said as he literally thrusted into my mouth and hand.

I released my grip on him and let him grab my hair and thrust into my mouth until i was literally engulfing my throat around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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