meetings and 2 am kisses

23 1 16

So it has been about 3 weeks since the whole scuffle with Ashton and so far me and Luke have not really been talking.

Me and Logan went shopping yesterday for new shoes and piercings.

After i told Logan about what happend she never let me out of her sight again.

We have been spending the night with each other almost every night since.

I started school two weeks ago and everyone was really happy to meet me while some where just assholes.

The other day i called Calum up and told him how Logan had a crush on him and he said that he would call her up.

I decide to take a shower and do my hair so i can have a night to myself.

Logan decided to sleep at her house tonight  so she can wash her clothes and clean up and all  that jazz.

I just got done with my shower and now it is around 6:30.

I plugged my flat iron in and started  taking sections of my hair and making them perfectly flat.

"FUCK!" i screamed as i pulled the scalding hot flat iron away from my neck.

It had already started to leave a bright purple and red mark right underneath my ear.

As i finished up my hair i looked in the mirror pleased with the bun i had put it in.

I changed into a pair of pink under wear and Luke's sweatshirt that he had left over here the night of the scuffle.

I breathed in his scent as i switched on my computer and started watching family guy on Hulu.

Eventually i settled back on my couch and slowly started to drift to sleep.

I was awoken to a loud banging on my door and i assumed it was Ashton so i grabbed my phone and a knife from the kitchen.

As i opened the door i was met with a very weary and tired looking Luke.

I set the Knife on the small key table and started shaking because i thought i was going to get hurt again.

"Lu-Luke?" i squeaked not barely being able to talk.

He just smiled and engulfed me into a hug.

"Baby it's okay i'm here now." he said while pulling me to him.

 I guided him into my room and we sat down on my bed.

He leaned over to me and moved a piece of hair out of my face.

"Why did you come over here this late?" i said while fixing a piece of his falling quiff.

"Well i originally went to a party with my other friend Mikey, but to many girls kept asking me to have s-sex with them!' he blurted out.

My shoulders slumped and i looked down. I mean i knew Luke was a really good boy but he was literally to attractive for most girls to handle and he would probably drop me like a hot potatoe at the mention of a pretty girl wanting to take my place.

He could notice my discomfort and he laced his fingers in between mine and he raised it up to his mouth and left short kisses around my knuckles.

"You know i really like you Izzy i would never leave you for some willing slut off the street!" he said while pulling me close and leaving a kiss on my jaw.

"I know Luke it's just that other girls are just so pretty and i am so not pretty!" i said while pushing him slightly back and face palming.

"Then let me show you how much i like you!' he said while pulling me to where i was stradling him.

I sucked in a huge breath and gasped as he pulled me down to where our lip's met.

Our lips moulded together as i ran my fingers through Luke's hair.

He let out a soft moan as i bit his lip and then left kisses along his jaw.

He toyed with my lip ring and it caused me to let out a weird noise and i immediantly pulled away and covered my mouth while laughing.

"Baby that was so hot!" he said while breathing heavily.

I could feel his hard member through his jeans and i climbed off of him and sat on the end of the bed.

"Babe whats wrong?" he said while placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Luke i am so sorry but i am just not ready yet...." i said while turning my head and looking down.

He slid a finger beneath my chin, "Babe if you are afraid i am going to leave you because you are not ready, then you are dead wrong, i will always be here, i promise!"

He kicked off his shoes and he pulled me underneath the blanket with him.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and i snuggled close to his chest as i sank into a deep sleep.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yasss we got some Luzzy action>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I am so sorry for updating so slowly i have been going to volunteer jobs and hospitals and such!!!

I love you all my squishy's!! 


If you did not already know my best friend Logan also known as Dweebcal at the moment is featured in my book as my best friend in real life.

Please please please please please follow her and love her and all that good stuff.


Goodnight and good morning my squishy's!!!!!!!

I'm yours IzzyWhere stories live. Discover now