part 2

313 5 3

[Seconnd part huehue]


John: Dave

Dave: John

John: i want my revenge

Dave: lay it out yo

John: turn Around

Dave: uh.. ok

-dave, turn around-

John: good now tell me when you're ready

-john, grab a paddle-

Dave: John i don't think I'm ready

John: to late

-john, smack Dave's as with the paddle, hard-

-dave, jump and rub your ass-

Dave: duck
John you little turd

John: hehehe the only turd here Is you dave

Dave: This is not normal
Is my shirt doing things to you
You should really take it off
I think the levels of irony are getting to you
And not in a good way
This is why I need to poke your prostate
So my shirt doesn't do things to your head

John: Dave no your shirt is fine
I'm not taking it off

Dave: Why not
Do you like my shirt

John: pft

Dave: yes you do

-dave, remove your shirt from john-

-john, scream and cover up yourself like a girl-


-dave, facepalm-


-dave, double facepalm-

Dave: no

John: BUT

-dave, think-

Dave: alright John
Come get it

-dave, hold it above your head-

-john, jump for it-

-dave, hold the shirt back so john must lean on you to get it-

-john, lean on dave to get that shirt-

-dave, grab johns butt-

-john, swat Dave's hand and continue reaching for that shirt-

Dave: aw come on egderp

John: what dave

Dave: lemmi touch that fine egass

John: first off that's gay
Second don't call it that

Dave: why
You're no fun

John: i am to fun
Just not gayly fun

Dave: it's not gay
It's dave

John: you said ass touching was gay

Dave: yeah but
Just a little
Or is that poking your prostate to much

John: that's not even poking my prostate
My prostate is INSIDE my ass

Dave: Why are you telling me where it is
Does that mean I can poke it
You don't give someone an interesting location and not expect them to try and explore it

John: the grand canyon is interesting but I'm not jumping into it

Dave: I said explore
Not jump
My dick will not jump into your prostate, john

John: Well it's not going to jump, slither, wiggle, slide, slip, thrust, pound, grind, run, walk, skip, hop, explore, swing, glide, fly, dance, leap or fall into my prostate

Dave: john
Can i poke your prostate

John: N O

Dave: you never said poke

John: you're right

Dave: see
I will poke it then

John: no dave

Dave: yes
I will poke it
I will poke egdorks prostate
As his best friend
And his teacher of irony

John: But teachers are usually like a lot older than their students
So wouldn't that be incest

Dave: That would be pedophilea
And we are the same age john

John: but

Dave: But nothing John
Let me touch your butt
Not even to be gay anymore
Just for irony purposes

John: i can't just let you touch my butt
It's my butt
My butt is my butt
I don't think I would even let a girl touch it
I have a sacred butt

Dave: Just for irony purposes
Without me, people would be stealing things from the temple all the time
And eventually

-dave, whisper-

Dave: It'll be vandalized

John: dave
I don't even understand that

Dave: this is why
I need to poke it

John: you don't need to

Dave: I also want to

John: you just need an excuse
To fuck me

Dave: just one time
That's all

John: dave

Dave: UNO john

John: no dave

-dave, sigh-

John: don't you sigh at me

-dave, sigh louder-

John: Stop it

-dave, sigh as loud as you can-


John: oh my god

-john, throw your hands in the air, turn, and walk away-

-dave, throw the shirt you have on at john-

-john, put that shirt on and look at dave-

-john, turn away and giggle like a love struck school girl-

[That is it for part 2, hope yeh lyke]

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