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On his way to school, izuku spoke with himiko. Turns out, they had a similar upbringing. Izuku was abused by those around him for something he couldn't control, himiko was abused by her parents for something she couldn't control. They were fast friends, something izuku longed for. He got to learn about her quirk, about how she needed blood to function, and how she ended up in that alley. She was running from the cops. He was slightly concerned but let it go as she seemed nice. They split up as he entered the building. Turns out school wasn't a total nightmare. His classmates, for the most part, all accepted him for who he is, and his quirk. He even met someone else he can call a friend, Ritsu Kabushiro. She's a brunette with red eyes and an average build, standing a couple inches below him. Her quirk, Bio aerosol, let's her use her own blood as a paralytic aerosol. As a result she produces blood faster than the average person, but can still become anemic if she uses it to much. They got along pretty good due to them both effectively being social outcast. It was lunch when something went wrong though.

'i don't have anything to eat' he realized. He ended up just sitting there until a hand was placed on his shoulder. He instinctively flinched, but relaxed when he realized it was just his friend. " Can I sit here?" She asked " s-sure, K-kabushiro" he responded, still a bit shaken up. As she ate the talked about how boring their math teacher was. Well, she spoke and he kinda just listened. Eventually she sighed. "Aren't you going to go eat?" She asked. "Well, I don't a-actualy have anything to eat..." "Why?" She asked further. "U-um cause I n-need blood to-" Suddenly she thrusted her arm toward him. "I have plenty of blood, Midoriya. You could have asked." He was positive he was comparable to a tomato. "I-i c-couldn't" he said quietly. "Nonsense, what are friends for" she said. 'i don't think friend offer blood to each other' he thought as he sweat dropped. Letting out a sigh he relented. "Fine, I'll do it"

He tried to filter that out. The entire time he was red. Still it sated his appetite. Beyond that nothing really happened. He made his way home, feeling watched, but he brushed it off
Reaching his house he entered and turned on the TV. About a minute later he heard a knock from the door. He got up upset that his relaxation was disrupted, only to want to die when he opened the door. "Hi Izu-kun! Think I can  stay here a bit?"

A/N: boom a cliff hanger. I'm not good at this so don't crucify me in the comments. But that's chapter 2. Hope my inclusion of an oc didn't set anyone off. K bye.

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