Author's Note

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If you have read Where the Heart Lies....welcome back! This is the continuation of Freya's story! Finally! Yayyyyy

If you have only read the Wattpad story or the first edition of WTHL then you need to know that some character names have changed but everything else mostly remains the same. This story/book is not for the light-hearted as you may know from reading WTHL. If you decide to take a chance and read please feel free to write comments about your feelings and/or the rabbit holes you might go down because I'll tell you there's been many a night where I've cried and cried and gone down my holes. I've tried to make Freya's story as raw and real as I can. All of these characters have a special place in my heart and I hope that even if you can't relate you can still feel for their situations and fall in love with them as much as I have. 

Have fun reading, I'll see you on the other side. <3 


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