skz reaction to meeting aera.han jisung pt 3? 💕

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bang chan

he was the one comforting his fellow brother han as you screamed in pain and agony assuring that it wasn't his fault that you were suffering. after the doctors allowed the boys to come and meet the newborn he literally ran inside and just melted seeing the cute baby "i'm an uncle!" he would scream once he got home . he always helped han and told him what would be better for example white sheets or pink sheets for aera's cot. overall he would be super supportive and protective of aera . also he would be the only member that both of you trusted to leave aera to. he would show her how to produce music and would watch rapunzal over and over again just beacuse aera wants to.

lee minho

you swore you saw from the corner of your eye that lee know shed a tear seeing his bestfriend's new born. he spoiled aera with all the toys in the world he would teach aera how to dance when she turned 5 and just like chan he would be protective of her. he would often take aera so you and han could have a peaceful date together later minho and aera would spy on you both and cover aera's eyes when both of you went smooch smooch. while he gagged.

seo changbin

being the softie he is he immediately started cooing after seeing aera. "aaw little hannie has a mini version of him look at those cheeks!" he said looking at aera's soft pink cheeks . he would rap the alphabet to aera when she turned 3 so now she can't stop rapping ABC . he would often comfort aera when you scolded her " y/n don't scold little aera" he would say. " then how about aera complete her homework with uncle changbin?" you asked as han joined " yea hyung you are good at maths right?" han said wiggling his eyebrows  with a smirk as changbin sighed "fine , trust me aera we are going to show your mom and dad how good you are at maths!" overall he was the uncle ho would beat someone up if they hurt aera.

hwang hyunjin

a dramatic baby and dramatic grown man don't go well at all. i repeat AT ALL. hyunjin would constantly playfully bicker with aera and often fought over silly things like the favourite character of their favourite anime series. "hey i chose anya!" hyunjin would argue "no fair you are a boy and you are old you should chose loid!" aera would speak back. " me? old? im young and handsome okay?" he would say in his dramatic tone and let aera pick anya at the end. no matter how much they bickered hyunjin was the one who saw aera once she as born and started weeping like a child " she's so cute han!!" overall he is the love-hate relationship uncle who would often spoil aera with anything she asked for.he would also be the uncle who would listen to aera's hour long stories and end up falling asleep at the end.

han jisung

he was crying when your water broke and weeping when you entered the hospital. "i'm here okay?" he would comfort you when you started feeling pain. once he saw his little sunshine he kissed aera's forhead and then yours. "thank you.." he would say to you teary eyed in happiness. he would often let aera to do things you woudn't allow her to do for example  eating more than 5 pieces of candy a day." han!" you would scold him while he would look down guiltily with aera hugging jisung's leg also looking down guilitly both han and aera were not allowed to have candy for a week after both of them finished a whole box of smarties! well mostly han. but han was very protective of you and aera and would turn serious if anything happened to you both. bot of you meant  the world to him and he would do anything to have aera and you in his arms forever.

lee felix.

this guy was late when he came to hospital he literally ran through the hallway  and found the members in the room talking "im late aren't i ?" he asked as eveyone nodded, the guilt faded away once he saw aera. " aw man she is so cute i have competition don't i?" he asked looking at aera with the biggest smile in the world. he would teach aera to play games with your consent of coarse and would have their own secret language which neither han nor you understood. "aera please yeet the the bottle will you?" felix asked and aera threw him the bottle of water. " tnxs ". overall he would be the typical uncle  with that sassy attitude yea.

kim seungmin

the first he noticed were aera's lips they were like a puppy pout . not like seungmins but a mix of your put and hans lips . he often referred to aera as little y/n and he would sing everytime aera asked him to just like everyone else aera was addicted to uncle seungmin's voice. seungmin would give aera vocal lessons and take her to teach her how to make coffee. he would teach you how to roast peole which you striclty dissaproved but you couldn't help but laugh whenever aera roasted someone with that cute face of hers.

yang jeongin

one word: happy . he was overwhelmed by the fact that he was  older than someone and when he saw aera he swear he started babying her. he would give fashion tips to everyone including you, han and aera he was like a family stylist. "no nooona you cant let aera wear that!" he would complain "its her first birthday so i recommend s soft pink dress because it symbolizes kindness" he would be the uncle that would teach aera moral values and with pint of sassiness.

word count:985

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