Immortal Love - hwang hyunjin ✨

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The kingdom of Targahyun. One mighty kingdom. Yes. Ruled by the vampires for 600 years it only contained 6% of human population still fighting for their rights. But what would happen if y/n one of the 6% is set to marry the prince of Targahyun to establish peace within the kingdom .....

" to establish peace in our kigdom I suggest for vampires and humans to live in peace forgetting the once hatred that stood upon both clans. And as our first step I suggest our prince hwang to be married to a human" general christopher announced as hyunjins eyes grew wide. The king seemed to be thinking about the idea as the queen kept her head low as usual. " general christopher are you absolutely sure there is no other way?" the prince asked desperate. " this will be the most effective way your majesty. The humans are weak but they never gave up and as your majesty, king said before it is time for this long and cold war to stop" the confident general concluded. " I agree with general chrisopher. Cheers to a peaceful agreement" the king cheered as everyone clicked their wine glasses and smiled. Everyone seemed to be happy except for prince hwang..

" bro you didn't have to that?! You know i ignore the marriage topic yet you bring it in the biggest meeting we've had in centuries!" hyunjin complained as general Christopher laughed it off. General Christopher or chan were best friends with hyunjin since there diaper days and needless to say they were still the closest of friends. " yoo hyunjin I heard you are getting married!" speaking of friends came han jisung another close friend of hyunjin. Han jisung was hyunjins favourite cousin who also often hung out with hyunjin since they were kids. The trio made their way to to the library as they got comfortable. The maids treated them with fresh blood glasses as they chatted their hearts away. " im worried hyung. Its not a normal marriage. Its one between human and vampire I mean think of it! " hyunjin sighed as he slouched back onto the couch. " you do know that you get to chose the girl you want to marry right?" chan added to lighten up the mood only for it to be destroyed by han " any HUMAN girl you want" han said as chan face palmed himself. Hyunjin however let out another long and defeated sigh. Chan looked at his friend . he felt a little bad but it was for the betterment of hyunjin. His kingdom and the innocent humans. " well I have to go report to duty see you guys later" chan said as he left the library. " sooo do you want to go to the town tonight?" han asked wiggling his eyebrows. " sure why not" hyunjin replied staring blankly at the high ceiling. " oh come on man stop sulking maybe we could also go hunting tonight" han added. " we'll have to go now then its already midnight". Hyunjin smiled at his eager friend and followed him to the stables. He got on his black horse he had named thunder as han got on a brown stable horse. " I heard rabbit population has sky rocketed " hyunjin added. " rabbits it is" han replied and went off into the woods followed by hyunjin. It was their little habit. Han would go first and do whatever they wanted while hyunjin admired the beauty of the woods at night. The moon was specially bright today making everything under it glisten like fallen stars. his thoughts got carried away. how would a human react to him? for all he knows is that humans despised vampires. " yo hyunjin lets go the town. apparently the rabbits knew we were coming tonight" han said sulkily. both of them rode their horses to the town. the only ones who were outside were vampires. they sneekily crept into a blood supply shop. the most expensive blood being human blood costed about 5 gold bars. yes that expensive. even if he was the prince and had  uncountable treasuries he refused to drink human blood in fact the only time he drank blood was during his coming of age ceremony . " rabbit samples please" han asked as the two split the bill. the two returned to the castle only for hyunjin to be called to the king. " your here finally" the king announced as hyunjin entered the great hall. the hall was occupied with the general , the minsiters . the royal couple and a human family? " this is the kim family. they are the leaders of their clan and we have signed the agreement of peace. in addition you , prince of Targahyun will be wed to the only daughter of the kim family" the king announced and everyone  cheered well except for the two arranged couple. deja vu?

" just so you know i wont drink your blood" the prince confirmed to the scared human beside him. the two of them decided it would be best to talk  things out so here they were on the balcony of a cold night. with the prince staring into the beautiful night sky. the girl however havent spoke a word only nodding and staring at the ground. " y-you wont drink my blood?" the human finally spoke. her voice had hyunjin staring at her in awe ,it was beautiful like music that had been locked up finally released. " i wont" the prince finally replied. " what your name?" hyunjin asked. " y/n. kim y/n" the girl replied her head hung low. " beautiful" hyunjin simply replied. that one simple word had y/n warming up to the whole concept. hyunjin gently but carefully placed his coat on the shivering girl  as she seemed to need it more. y/n cuddled into the coat. it smelt of a specific scent that y/n started to adore. y/n finally looked up at the prince. she seemed to slowly fall in love with him she seemed to love how his long black hair draped around his neck how  or how his yellow orbs would shine when he stared into the moon. her thought were interrupted by the prince. " you know i thought my parents allowed me to chose any human girl i wanted but turns out they had arranged me a human" hyunjin added to break the loud silence. " id love to hear your side of the story y/n" the prince calmly asked . y/n sighed reminiscing her memories . " i was born on the day of the red moon 19 years ago. the day i was born vampires attacked our village with their powers that sky rocketed under the red moon many of our kind were tunred into vampires. from that day on i was named as bad luck. my parents despised me, my villagers despised me. the villagers wanted a male leader to carry on after my father so me being born a girl just added up to the list of the failure. so when they found out that they could get out of this whole cold war by promising me to you they didnt even hesitiate they just threw me out of the house and dragged me here. i wasnt surprised they wanted to get rid me but by promising me to a total stranger is beyond low . worst part they didnt even say a single word to me " y/n concluded. the prince felt pity for the girl  oh how he wanted to potect her with every bit of power he has. he wanted to protect her for eternity.. hyunjin slowly came close to you and hugged you. seeing that you didnt show any signs of discomfort he hugged you tighter. " i promise i will protect you with all i have.. y/n i love you and i promise from this night  onwards ill keep you happy .." hyunjin added gently placing a kiss on her forehead. the girl was too stunned to speak . she couldnt help but shed a tear and that tear turned to two and then a  whole waterfall. " its ok cry get it out" the prince comforted . after 10 minutes y/n looked up putting up a smile she placed a gentle kiss on the prince's cheek and immediately blushed. "  i didt believe in love at first sight but now im having second thoughts .. ilove you too my prince thank you being with me tonight" she replied her voice gentle . hyunjin stared at her in awe leaning forward. he placed a kiss that would be the first of many that they are yet to share...

word count : 1.6k
a/n hey i know i told u guys ill be back later but you know what? i deserve a break i havent updated myself of skz from about 2 weeks and its hurting my brain but i still kept on working and when nobody acknowledges the work you do only scold you for not working enough life is the worst man. but today i wanted to rest . first i watched the racha log and then i wrote this story i will work and when i want a rest  will take it but i shall work hard! thank you for reading this story. i had to change the plot about 6 times but its finally done! tell me if anything needs to improved! thank u luvss ❤

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