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Sprinklekit pov.

I heard a growl. not far from where I was laying. I was resting on some plush a human gave to me. her name was Elanora, but she isn't that important right now, I need to find the source of that growling.

I walked out of the cafeteria, hearing the growling get louder I assumed I was getting closer.

turning a corner, I was faced with a 6ft..something? it had sharp teeth, and it's eyes were glued onto me. I was scared honestly. but they were too.

"Get back!"  I heard them snarl. "I don't want to hurt you." they mumbled. I could barely figure out what they were saying.

I stayed back, per their request. but I didn't leave. I couldn't leave them. especially in a state like this. they looked as if they just fought a wave of humans or, the cave collapsed onto them. scared or not, I want to help them.

"I won't do anything to you, I just want to help. your bleeding in several different spots. it looks like it's getting bad. can you tell me what happened?" I asked, hoping for an answer.

they looked like they were deciding whether to tell me or not, it doesn't matter how long, I can wait.

"I..I was attacked." They paused.

it was a female voice, so I guess it's a she.

"I..attacked first..I won..but I am still in pain. they said mean things. it's not my fault, is it?" it looked as if she were asking herself.

"They are gone. but they will come back..with..more. it's not safe here, we have to leave." She ordered.

"Don't move, you'll hurt yourself more then you already have. I'll get my friend, Panther. she can see through the walls, she can see them. it'll be okay. we'll be safe as long as she's along to help." I stated, I hoped she would be okay with another person.

"okay." Is the only thing she said. I'm not arguing, but it's clear to me she's running out of energy, maybe the adrenaline is wearing off.

"I'll be back, you just stay here."

"Panther! Panther! come here!" I called. they were talking to Hazzy, I never seemed to like him.

"Eh? what is it Sprinkles?" The look of curiosity plastered on her face.

"I- I found someone! their hurt! you have to help us!" I huffed, all that running is going to make me melt.

"But I don't know any healing! Maybe- Plantix knows but I won't be any help!"  She panicked.

"I know! but you can see them through the walls! the humans! I found a blind fold, I'll put it on you so it'll be dark enough for you to see! just- please!" I begged, I needed to get back to them urgently.

"alright! I'll go with you. I'll uhm- catch you later Hazzy!"

"Alright, here they are." I walked over to them.

"Dont get too close, I don't think they're comfortable with that yet."

She just blinked at me, not saying anything, at all.

"Can..can I get close to you? I have a medkit, I can heal your wounds. .Panther is keeping watch for us, so we're safe for the time being."

She looked skeptical, but agreed nonetheless.

"I'm going to put some liquid on your wounds, it's going to sting, but it'll clean the wounds so you won't get a infection."

"I'm okay with that. I just want the pain to end."

I poured the liquid on, it was kinda funny to look at, it was like it was sizzling, haha.

"Ow.." I heard them say under their breath.

"I'm going to clean them now, the liquid washed away most of the blood bu-"

"Don't touch them. don't touch my wounds. just..bandage them up, I don't want direct contact." they said sternly, I wasn't going to argue with someone with a voice like that.

"I'll do as you please, but please, at some point let me." I requested.

"mm. ." I guess that's a..yes?

"How do you feel?. . besides the wounds and all. like, mentally?" I questioned bandaging them up. with what they told me, it must've took a toll on them.

"I've heard worse happen, I am okay." I don't believe it, but I won't force them to tell me I guess.

"well, I'm done bandaging you up. can you stand? it sounds like the humans are doing a chase, they might come this way." I muttered. Elanora is probably with them. it's the one thing I hate about her.

"Yeah..but why should I follow you? you still might hurt me." I've done this much, and they still don't trust me?

"Well I healed you, so I figur-"

"enough. I will be fine out here on my own. go, like you said they might come this way. you don't look strong enough to.." they paused, as if they were realizing something.

"As a matter of fact, I'm going to follow you everywhere, go on, I'll be behind you."

"What?. . well, okay. we're going in my cafeteria, humans don't typically come here unless they have a death wish, besides, they respect my privacy!" thankfully. .

"Alright then. can I eat once we're there?"

"Yeah. . it's just right here anyway." I took a few steps back, and pointed towards the entrance.

"Oh. . cool." they stood up. I never really noticed how tall they were. after I took in their height, we walked inside the cafeteria.

" I like the lights. very pretty." in the blink of an eye they were already eating. I'm glad, it'll help heal their wounds. and plus, it's to much for me to eat.

I heard Panther outside, I nearly forgot about her. but it seems Hazzy decided to get back to her, so I'm not worried about it.

"The food was really good but. . where do I sleep?" I didn't really think about that yet, but I do have alot of blankets.

"I have come Blankets, and I'm getting some pillows tomorrow, so just lay on this extra plushie." I passed it over to them, and they took it and layed down.

"I Thank you, for what you've done for me. I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier, I just felt as if I was being a nuisance to you."

"You're welcome! but I understand where you coming from. nothing ever interesting happens, so, I'm honestly glad your just here. my names sprinklekit. but uhm, what do I call you?"

"You can call me Nightcrawler." They hummed.

"Okay then, goodnight, Nightcrawler."


————————————————————ISNT MY ROBLOX FITNSO CUTEEE

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I'm the on the right teehee 🤗

AnywayZz. I hope you like the first, actual chapter. . I think I made it longer then the others. . I hope the story makes sense so far. I'm gonna make some voice claims later tonight, or tomorrow cause I'm honestly tired. Also, listen to Party girl by the weekend. I love that song. s o m u c h
I just realized I still have to edit the grammar and stuff sob whatever tho

have a Goodnight or day!

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