Taken/A Battle

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The gang was driving down the road heading toward Daniel's grandfather's place.

Velma: I pulled up more research on vampires.

Shaggy: Like anything on how to keep them away?

Daniel: You can ask my grandfather, he knows all about the local legends. Especially the Yowie Yahoo.

Velma:  Listen to this, vampires hate sunlight, they can't cross running water, and get this, the more people a vampire puts under his control, the greater his power becomes.

Daphne: That would explain why the Yowie Yahoo is having Wildwind kidnap people. That is if you believe he's real.

James: After what I saw last night, it was enough to convince me.

Velma: My research also says that vampires don't appear on film when their pictures are taken.

Shaggy: Maybe they're just camera shy.

Daniel pointed towards an old shack with Mr. Illawarra sitting outside sending smoke signals.

Daniel: Here we are Fred, just park up on the left.

Fred parked the van. Everyone got out and walked up to Mr. Illawarra.

Daniel: Grandfather, these are some friends of mine. Fred, Daphne, Velma, James, Shaggy, and Scooby.

Malcom: Yes, I saw you at the festival.

Daniel: They're here to help with our problem.

Shaggy: Like what's the deal with the smoke signals?

Macolm: There's a tribal council meeting tonight, I'm letting the others know.

James: Would it be easier to use the phone, Mr. Illawarra?

Malcom: We always use smoke signals to announce tribal council meetings.

Fred: The smoke smells really good, what're you burning?

Malcom: The wood is from the red gum tree. We use its flowers to make honey. That red gum over there is in full bloom.

He points to a tree with all its flowers bloomed.

Malcom: We need to get going.

Everyone got into kayaks and started paddling down the river.

Malcom: It's good of all of you to take me to the council meeting.

Velma: Daniel was telling us that you know all about the Yowie Yahoo legend, Mr. Illawarra.

Macolm: Please, call me Malcolm. I can tell you many things about the Yowie Yahoo, young lady, but you may not like what you hear.

Fred: Can you tell us what happened to Wildwind?

Malcolm: Wildwind foolishly went up to Vampire Rock after dark. They were easy pray for the Yowie Yahoo. Just like all the people at the festival will be.

Shaggy: But like, what can we do to keep him and his band of vampires away?

Malcom: According to legends, the only thing that can stop a vampire, is sunlight.

Daniel: According to legends, Grandfather.

Macolm: It's believed that they also fear, the dingo.

Shaggy: Like maybe they're your distant cousins, Scooby, see if they can help us out.

Scooby just shook his head "no".

Daniel: I hope that there's no interruptions tonight, I've scheduled your group to perform tonight.

Scooby Doo and The Legend of the Vampire (James Hunt)Where stories live. Discover now