"why dont you like me ?"😔

21 0 7

Eventually kiwi found the confidence to tell asher they were in love with them. "The truth is, I've been in love with you ever since I met you. I love you and everything about you. just please tell me you feel the sa-" before kiwi was even able to finish asher got up and left . sage was hiding behind a tree and said "omg no you're done what was that 🤭" which like its true wtf was that 😭

Kiwi was crying for the test of the day because not only did they just run away like that when they told them the truth but they hadnt heard from them for the test of tje day. They sent them a text "just tell me why dont you like me? What did I do? Im sorry if this is all my fault I shouldn't have told you. Just please reply when you can<3"
Every 5 minutes theyd check their phone to see if asher had replied. She saw they had read the message but they wouldnt reply so they just gave up and went to sleep

kiwi x asher but based off my dreams fr🥰💅💗💓💕Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon