Why do you hate me?! N.R. ☁️

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Y/n's point of view

It's been a little less than a year since I officially joined the team, and it's been good... I don't really talk to anyone, all I do is, eat, sleep, and train. I try to stay out of everyone's way as much as possible. Especially Natalie.

We have a had about five conversation tops. And they were only for missions. I want to hate her for what she did, I want her to feel how I felt, but I can't. I can't justify making someone feel that way, knowing I would have done the same thing. I'd like to think I would at least... putting myself first, right?

It was so long ago but for whatever reason I can't get it out of my mind. Every time I see her, the memories come flooding back. I can picture it all so clearly. The smell, the feel, the pain...

She left. She left me... and I was the one who had to pay for what she did. Years of torture and suffering because of her actions. I didn't hate her at the time. I was more than willing to go through that pain if it meant she'd be able to live a normal life but now, we see each other every day, and she acts like nothing ever happened, like I'm just some stranger.

We grew up together, Natalie and I. We had nothing in the Red Room beside each other. And when she left she promised she'd come back for me... and I believed her. I waited year after year for her to come and save me. I would imagine her seeing me, running to me and holding me tight, telling me I was safe with her, which was stupid. I, of all people should have known better, but a part of me, the smallest stupidest part of me still hopes for that.

I jump when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell, the door opens to reveal the one and only Natalie, speaking of the devil. Why the hell is she her?

"Uh... hey... what's uh- what's up?" I ask her as she steps inside my room. "You didn't come down for training today, Steve wanted me to check on you." She answers plainly.

"Oh yeah sorry. I've just been down lately. I'll be there tomorrow though." I say with little to no emotion in my voice. She makes her way closer to me at my desk. "You planning on coming out of this room at all today?" She questions. "Wasn't planning on it, no. Why is that a problem?" I ask.

"I couldn't care less what you do, just make sure to eat something at least." She stares at my window looking over the city. "Yeah... got it." I sigh. "I mean it, Y/l/n. I don't want a repeat of last week. And I'm not dealing with that shit when it does."

"Yeah, got it, Romanoff. Is there anything else you needed, or?" I question her. She shakes her head and goes for the door and I don't stop her.

I finish up the rest of the paperwork before crashing onto my soft bed and soon drifting off to sleep, expecting night terrors to follow soon after.

Natasha's point of view

I leave Y/n's room, which I had never even seen and I must admit it, it was nicely decorated. Fit her nicely. As I close the door to the room I can hear her sigh. I wish I knew how to fix what we had, make things better between us. It's hard to look at the person who did so much for you and got so little in return. Every time I look at her, I am reminded of what she gave for me. 

I get the thoughts out of my head as I make my way into the kitchen to make myself some food. I get bread, peanut butter, and bananas to make myself a sandwich. My mind wonders to my conversation with Steve from just the other night. I finally opened up to him about Y/n and I. He told me that i should just talk to her, and tell her how I feel which isn't easy but I told him I'd try. 

So I make a second sandwich and head back to her room. I stare at the door for a moment before knocking. I wait for a second before knocking again. Still no answer. one more time. nothing. "Y/l/n, I got food for you, will you open the door?" I call out to her. I get no reply. She doesn't make these kinds of thing easy for me.

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