Chapter 1

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(Warning: Very Very VERY Random, NOTHING like SFM or THU)

It was seemingly just a normal day at the Z-Tech Factory.
“Soldier #3256” I hear someone call out. It was the main general of Zombus’ army. They called him, The Zombus General Guy. “Mr. Supremo Wants you.” He tells me. 
“Alright, tell him I need to go get my daily bagel alright?” I say.
“Got it.” He responds. I then hear his loud footsteps going down the hallway of the factory. I then hear the crashing and banging of a robot approaching. I knew I needed to get outta there since robots hate zombies for some reason. I dove behind a crate as it was too near to try to run away from, luckily, the robot randomly just started walking the other way. “That’s weird”, I say. I forget about it and head to Mr. Supremo’s office, forgetting about the bagel for some reason. I roll down the hallway humming the mission impossible theme the whole 5 minutes it will take to get there. On the way, I see my friend, David the Zombie Guy, chilling in a hallway, thinking about school buses. 
“Did you hear about the Bus Incident?” He asked.
“Yeah, It is quite unfortunate. I hope the bus driver will be okay!” I respond. 
“I hear the bus driver is getting fired for no reason.” David saids. 
“What?! Didn’t the bus get hijacked? They blame him?” I ask him. 
“Yep, Zombus is very strict these days. He just blames random people cause he thinks it’s funny”. David responds.
“Alright, to be fair, it kind of is funny.” I say to David. Before he could respond, a strange noise was heard to the right of the long hallway. It sounded like grinding metal. I start rolling down the hallway like a weirdo and investigate the noise. I peer around the corner and see a big headed man. It looked like a giant brain, but then, I realized that it was actually a head for a giant robot! Bigger than ever! For some reason, it’s body was tiny. I assume that they wanted to try the big headed tactic,
”Phew” I exclaimed, “I thought that was-”, however, when I turned, I saw an undead man with a shield. I froze, in fear of what that strange man would do. But he was just standing there.. Menacingly! As I walked closer, the weird man continued to just stand there like a weirdo. Finally, I approached him and it was, to my surprise, very very underwhelming. I then realized that he was just a cardboard cut out. 
“I can’t believe that fooled me!” I whispered to myself. I nearly forgot that I was going to Mr. Supremo, but first, I had to go get that dang bagel I forgot to get several sentences ago. So, I walked to the cafe, grabbed a bagel, forgot about the weird incident with the cardboard cutout, and went to Mr. Supremo’s office. I kicked down the door and scurried in like a wild animal. 
“Ahh, Soldier Number #3256, I’ve been expecting you.” Mr. Supremo said to me, completely ignoring the now broken door. 
“We’ve been getting a call from the higher Supremo that he wants you in his office.” he continued. 
“WHAT!” I exclaimed. “I WENT TO YOUR OFFICE JUST TO GO TO ANOTHER ONE!?!” I yelled really loudly. 
“Yep, isn’t it funny?” he responded. 
“Well, if it was someone else, then yes. But when it is me, NO!” I told him. 
“Imagine. NOW GET OUT!” He commanded me. As I headed down the hallway, crawling the whole way for literally no reason, I saw a sunflower attacking a poster of a kitchen sink in some random guy’s office. 
“Nah, I’m sure it’s fine!” I said. I continued walking down the hallway, somehow didn’t hear the sound of kitchen pans being smashed, and went to bigger Supremo’s office. However, when I arrived, I noticed something very odd. The door had been ripped off. 
“That’s odd..” I whispered. I slowly entered the office and saw none other than Zimbus himself! He stared at me for 24 seconds before grabbing the door and running off somewhere. I thought nothing of it, as that was probably the most normal thing so far today. I then headed into the Bigger Supremo’s office, and saw the greatest thing to ever exist in the history of zombiery. It was a game called Plants Vs. Zombies. 
“Ahhh, yes” I said. “The best selling game of 2009.” I said. So, I grabbed a copy, decided not to pay for it even though it was 1 cent, and headed for the top floor. Before I could reach the top floor, I saw Zimbus again, with that darn screen door. I stopped and challenged him to a dance off, as I am so good at dancing, Disco Zombie WISHES HE WAS ME! He accepts, only making a small grunt of approval. 
“So what is this challenge for?” He asked me. 
“If I win, you must go to that weird man’s house and stay with him for a week. If you win, you get all the screen doors in the building” I told him. 
“I accept.” He responds, and we start dancing. We both are doing the chicken dance, and are equally as “good” (aka bad). As we continue doing our stupid dances, Zimbus, for some strange reason, decided to do a Forknite dance. 
“Dude seriously?” I asked. 
“Yeah, who doesn’t like a good Forknite dance?” he responds proudly. We continued our EPIC dance off. And while we did our dances, something strange happened. The entire factory shook and Zimbus ran off like a Lolbit Stan and grabbed his screen door. This story though! 
“Moo.” I say for no reason at all, as in the distance, I see a Tornado throwing rolling pins everywhere! 
“Wha- why rolling pins?!” I ask myself. “The people writing this story must’ve pulled up a random item generator or something!” I said, both worried and confused. It was just then when I saw Smiley, standing there, head tilted slightly. “Wrong story, buddy.” I told him. 
“This isn’t the SFM storyline!” I explain. 
“Oh sorry, my bad!” he exclaims happily for whatever reason. Then he knocks over a garbage can and jumps into it like it’s some kind of portal or wormhole. I look inside, and sure enough, there is a portal inside. 
“Weird.” I exclaim. Just then, I heard a strange noise. It sounded like someone playing “All Star” by Smash Mouth. Sure enough, it was the Football zombie that doesn’t know what a football is, All Star! He was riding a creepy unicorn whilst holding a boombox which was playing the music. 
“This story sure is getting strange.” I said. Just then, a giant banana comes out and squishes the all star zombie guy. 
“Okay, what is going on?” He tells the narrator that just randomly gets added into the story. 
“I have no idea.” The Narrator says. “The people writing this are probably running out of ideas. The character that this story is made off of barely appears!” He says, breaking the fourth wall. So, I knew someone had to stop the giant tornado, even though it’s just air and can’t be touched. I grabbed a cucumber and threw it out the window into the tornado. The tornado then explodes, launching Rolling pins everywhere, one even breaks the window, and hits the Giant Banana, as well and making the weird unicorn that was still somehow alive implode. 
“Well, I guess that concludes this story, right?” I ask. 
“Heh, no.” The narrator says. “You know we gotta make this story even stupider, Right? So let's keep it going!” He adds. I finally arrive at bigger bigger Supremeo’s office. When I get there, I see Shrek standing next to the door. 
“ Shrek, this isn’t Dreamworks bro.” I explain to him. 
“Whatwdhewufkcgvewbdgc” He says before flying up, going through the roof somehow. I then enter the office, and there he was, it was a giant poop- nah, I'm kidding it was bigger bigger Supremo. When I ask him what he needs from me, he just simply asks me to get him a Taco. 
“That’s it!?!” I yelled out angrily. “You wanted a dang taco!?!” I said even madder.
“Yeah, pretty much.” He tells me very calmly. 
“Alright, I'll be back in a second.” I say. I head back down the factory, I reach the kitchen, which was a mess since I decided not to stop that random sunflower a few thousand sentences ago, and made a taco. However, for whatever reason, probably to make this story better, the taco morphed into a giant taco monster breathing out fire and potato seeds everywhere. 
“I’m sure it’s fine, Right?” I ask myself. I then go back to bigger bigger Supremeo’s office and tell him his taco is ready.

Zimbus the Screendoor TheifWhere stories live. Discover now