Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Previously on Zimbus the Screen Door Thief………………………… As you may know, a giant tornado throwing rolling pins showed up for no reason and then this weird zombie man destroyed it. Oh yeah, Smiley also showed up for whatever reason, anyways, now onto Zeembus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

“Arg!” “I hate mr. weirdo!!” Zimbus cried out. “I can’t believe I lost to him. I mean really, who doesn’t like a forknite dance!?!” ”I love Forknite!” Mr. Weirdo calls out mockingly “Ahh yes, my best friend from childhood Mr. Weirdo.”  “Stop monologging!” He tells Zimbus. Suddenly, they heard a giant explosion coming from downstairs. They go rolling down the stairs for like no reason and they found out the noise was coming from the red sparkly kitchen, or it was.  They saw a sunflower repeatedly hitting the sink with a nuke. “I didn’t know we have plant janitors here.” said Mr. Weirdo. “I’m sure it’s fine right?” Said Zimbus. Mr. Weirdo takes the nuke and gives the sunflower a sledge hammer for some dumb reason. “STOP TRYING TO CRASH THE GAME!!” Zimbus yells at him. “I’m just recording my new music video.” Said the Sunflower. “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- wait what now?” Said Mr. Weirdo. “Wait.. Is that my camera?!” A floating taco asks the Sunflower, who freezes up with a shocked expression. “No, this is my dinner.” Said sunflower as she eats the camera. “Umm waht?” Said Zimbus, clearly confused. Just then, Smiley makes another cameo for some stupid reason. “Dude!” Said Shrek who also comes in for some stupid reason. “This isn’t your story” “IT’S NOT YOURS EITHER!!!!!!!!” Some random idiot comes in shouting. “THAT’S IT” Said Spongebob” “You're going to jail tubby!” Said Spongebob happily for some reason. “WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?!” “KABOOM!” Spudow says, firing rockets, which blow up the taco, shrek, and barely miss Spongebob, hitting the random Idiot. “So umm, narrator, what is happening right now?” Said Mr. Weirdo breaking the fifth wall. “I don’t really know honestly, these two people writing the story sure like to make things weird.” Said the narrator. “Ight, ima head out.” Says Smiley, before grabbing Spongbob and no-clipping through the floor. “Well, that was strange!” Said Zimbus. Just then, they heard another sound downstairs. So they once again rolled down the stairs, Mr. Weirdo bonked his head along the way, and they reached another kitchen. This time, the kitchen was a complete mess. The whole place was flooded and in the middle of the room, they saw soldier number 325-whatever. “So, we meet again soldier number 325- whatever.” Said Zimbus completely ignoring the fact the kitchen was a mess. “I challenge you to a dance off!” Said Zimbus even though we already did this last time. “Dude, we already did this last time, why again?” Said Soldier#3256. “Because yes!” Said Zimbus proudly. “Alright man!” Said Soldier#3256. So they had the exact same dance-off as last tim- just kidding Zimbus didn’t do a Forknite dance this time.  This time, Zimbus did the Chicken dance. “MY NAMES NOT RICK!” Yells Mr. Weirdo for no reason. Then Blover flies in. MY NAME ISN’T JOHNNY- jk it is.” Blover says. “How dare you show up, I was gonna make a taco, oh wait it’s done!” says Mr. Weirdo. “WAIT NO-!” Says Blover but it’s too late. A giant pickle is born out of the taco and it yells the most scary word you can think of. “RA!! BOO!! h.” It yells out. Everybody is so scared that they all freeze in place  and the giant pickle walks off, somehow not causing any further damage to the factory. 20 years then passed and the heroes finally woke up. “What day is it?” Asks Zimbus. “Lemme just check my sauce.” says Mr.  Weirdo even though he doesn’t check the time. Blover then sees cactus, and makes this face at her.

“What are you doing here?!” He questions her, while breakdancing

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“What are you doing here?!” He questions her, while breakdancing. Cactus, obviously confused,  speaks up. “I came to eat a jar of pickles and talk about how stupid Balloons are.” She responds. “Wait.. Aren’t you part pickle?” Blover asks, while he stops break-dancing. “Non’t.” Cactus responds. Then Zimbus jumps down the stairs, breaking 12 bones, and hisses at Cactus, before scurrying away.“MERRRRRRRRRR YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY CHRISTMAS!” says Cactus before also jumping down the stairs and breaking 12 bones. All of a sudden, a giant pig walks in the room and says, “Dudes, it’s been twenty years, Zomboss is worried about you!” Says the pig. “Who the heck are you?” says Zimbus. “And why do you know my totally dumber brother?” says Zimbus. “You see, I went to the waffle store to pick up some sharks, then I went ketchup.” Says the pig for some dumb reason. “What on earth is wrong with you!?!” Said Mr. Weirdo confused. “ONION!!!!!!!!!!” Screams the pig so loud it breaks the remaining glass in the room. Cactus runs up to the pig and hugs it. The pig shrinks out of existence for some reason. Then the plants leave the room, going to the downstairs-downstairs area. “This reminds me, we forgot about the main plot of the story.” Says Zimbus breaking the sixth wall. “My backstory!” “Anyways, once there was an ugly baby named Zomboss. He was a baby, so everyone died, the end!” Said Zimbus.” “Doy.” Said Mr. Weirdo for whatever reason. Afterwards, they heard the sounds of wind. They looked out the window and saw a tornado yeeting cows everywhere. 
End of part 2..
SIIKKE!! You thought we were done?!
“Ok, what the heck is this story?!” The Narrator says. Just when everyone thought it couldn’t get any weirder, a group of Bonk choys appeared, repeatedly crying out “HYAH!”. They tried to punch the tornado, as they like cows. The tornado started crying like a toddler, and the Bonk choys started crying too for some reason. They then all disappeared with no trace other than cows everywhere. “Well that just happened.” Exclaimed Mr. Weirdo. “No kidding”. Said Zimbus, crossing his arms. Just then, the sound of a balloon filling with air can be heard about 87 times, coming  from all sides. “OH HECK!” Zimbus shouts out. “IT’S THE FBI AND IRS!!” “Why?” Mr. Weirdo asks, looking at Zimbus who has a scared expression, as he frowns in disappointment. “Did you not pay the house bills? I told you it was your turn!!” “Nevermind that, luckily we have the plants to help us!”  Zimbus excitedly cries out. “Uh.. They aren’t here.” Mr. Weirdo tells him, to which Zimbus gains a disappointed look. “What now?!” Zimbus questions. “I know their other weakness besides Cattail, Cactus and Blover!” The Sunflower exclaims. “Their only other weakness is that they are-” The Sunflower gets cut-off as a Balloon FBI agent grabs her and flys away, grinning like a mad-man. “Gosh dang it!” Mr. Weirdo yells out, slamming his fist on the wall. However, Mr. Weirdo slammed the wall so hard that the wall came alive and said “WHO DARES PUNCH ME IN ANGER!?!” The wall said. “Ummm, it was Blover!” Said Mr. Weirdo. The wall stares and stares mencially. He stared so hard he exploded and turned into a giant pickle. “OH GOD THE JUICYNESS” Said Mr. Weirdo happily because he likes green.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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