Better fuel Huell

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Better fuel huell

Huell babineaux was happy. Well, reasonably. A pillar of his community. A loyal friend. A considerate and passionate lover. But hidden within his robust body. Lay a hunger. One that had laid dormant for too long . He knew this day would come.

Then he consumed the sun.
After eating it, he began to feel strange. It wasn't quite like anything he'd ever experienced before. His mind kept going off in directions that seemed disconnected and illogical until finally everything went black

He then consumed all living things on earth. People, animals, plants. With each meal, Huell's appetite grew stronger. Eventually, he realized there was no one left alive anywhere in the world.
The human race now consisted solely of Huell Babineaux. So he moved on. to a new planet. On this planet, there was some life. He devoured them too. But then something happened. A portal opened up in front of him and inside was another Huell Babineaux. This Huell had just eaten the  sun from his dimension . Huell prime ate him too.
His power growing with every meal, he continued from planet to planet, leaving nothing behind.
But the hunger remained.

An asteroid hurtled through space at tremendous speed. Its velocity increased with every passing moment. As its speed became near that of light , the object began to expand rapidly, becoming a blazing ball of plasma several miles wide. Huell ate that too.
Suddenly, the universe erupted into flames. An entire star went  supernova in an instant, creating hundreds of billions of tons of debris.
Huell consumed all of it. The radiation nourishing hun.

On his way to the next planet, Huell met another Huell. And once again, the second huell was eaten, nothing but a snack to the better, stronger Huell.
And so it continued. Endless expanses of space. Endless living  creatures to consume. Huell never got tired of it. His hunger was insatiable.

The entire solar system had been consumed. Huell has gone everywhere, to the furthest reaches of the cosmos. There are no more stars or planets left to eat. But his hunger remains.

Time was running short. Huell knew that soon there will be nothing left to eat.
But then a portal appears. Inside it is another Huell. "I've come from the future, join the council of Huell", the other Huell says to him.
"Oh yeah? Well I've come from the past, and I'm gonna eat your ass!" Huell replies.
They fight. Huell wins in the end and consumes him. Then the council of Huells. He now stands as the last Huell in the multiverse.
Several billion years pass. Huell is alone. He's been travelling through time for so long now that the technology used to travel between dimensions has become obsolete. The universe is cold and dead. Only Huell remains.

There is but a single speck of life left in the multiverse: Huell Babineaux.
He was the last living creature.
Huell ate the largest stars.
the smallest moons.
And soon he knows, he must eat himself.
He begins consuming himself.
Huell ate the universe. Huell IS the universe. space and time bend to his every whim. But he knows it must end.
He had laid the universe low, and nothing remains.
But he knows the cycle must continue.
Huell is no more. But left behind, are suns, stars, moons. Billions of years later, life.
And thus the cycle continues.
We live only to fuel Huell.
We'd better fuel Huell.

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