4. The stranger

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I feel the freshness of the pleasant grass under my body, and I think about a new attack strategy. While thinking, I toy one of the four revolvers hidden in my clothes. I gently touch its trigger with my thumb. Sometimes, I just want to point this gun at my heart, and pull its trigger, so this miserable life won't make me taste its bitter flavour anymore. But, I don't want to make my parents suffer from my death. I know they already go through hard moments so, it's not really the great time to mess around.

I suddenly hear a weak breathing, and then, someone fall near me. Who could it be? Thenceforth, I open up my eyes to see what is happening aroud me, and I see an unconscious young man lying on the grass, a few meters away. I estimate that he must be a little older than me. I can also juge by his look that he does not come from here. What does a stranger do out of his borders? Should I trust him? The situation bothers me. I don't know what to do now. He also seems so weak right now. I don't think he could hurt me with his actual condition...

I will take him home with me, and when he will wake up, I will harshly interrogate him. Fortunately, I brought my car with me today, so it won't be complicated to bring him home.

I try to wake him up, so he could walk to my car. He wakes up a little, and I tell him to stand up and walk with me. He obeys, and we arrive at my small vehicule. Then, he enters very slowly and painfully, and collaspes once again on a seat.

When I arrive at my house, I try the best I can to carry him in, and lay him down on a bed. I then measure his temperature, to see if he suffers from a fever. The thermometer indicates 40 degrees Celsius. It's a hyperthermia. I have to keep him in a fresh environment.

I dip a clean cloth into cool water, and place it on his forehead. I take off his shirt to let him breath better, and I open up the window to let the fresh air aerate the room. I now wait until he wakes up.

At the same time, I analyse his look. It is so strange. He isn't artificially modified like me. No, he is natural. He has natural curly black hair. He has a dark coppery skin tan, and pink pulpy lips. This strange man is also very tall and muscled. Nobody has a muscled body like him here. It is so frowned in our days. This young man is so strange...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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