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it's a beautiful day in canada, with the sun peeking over the horizon and the sky turning a wonderful gradient between peach-orange and soft cherry red. unfortunately, gravity decides to ruin it for you, because you wake up by rolling off of your bed.



... getting slammed facefirst into the show you'd just rewatched was awful.

it still is. more than awful, actually. you hate it here. total drama your beloathed. you get up with a groan, not expecting a glitch-like shock of pain to come so quickly. blues, purples, and pinks spread around your body, which twists and distorts for a second before going back to normal.

goddamnit, that hurt.

fortunately for some people, but not for you, you'd recently been isekai'd into the funny little parody of the survivor franchise. the entitiy that dropped you off stated that you'd be provided everything you'd need to stay hidden and alive, and that you'd live with them and their friends.

unfortunately, that also came with the problem that you liked to call the 'thing that into the spider-verse got right,' which is the fact that you feel like your body is being torn apart every so often. more often than you would like, which is never.

another thing that the spider-verse got right is the fact that it gets more frequent the longer you stay here. the entity- known as macadam- said that they're working on a solution, though.

good for them, but it doesn't explain why they haven't given you some painkillers for the lingering effect it has. you get up, grumbling to yourself about nothing in particular on your way to the kitchen.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆[+..••]⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

opening one of the cabinets, you grab the first bowl you can find, setting it on the counter. you then dump as much cereal as you can into the bowl, and pour milk into the cereal.

when you finish making your breakfast, you head over to teddie, deciding to turn on the tv. flicking through the channels for a bit, you're about to settle on an old cartoon, when-


the sudden volume change startling you, you jolt back, spilling some of your cereal on your shirt. fuck, you recognize that voice.

chris mclain is onscreen, holding a torch and standing right in front of the playa des losers.

so that's how they advertised the five-star hotel.

"are you tired of sitting around all summer, waiting for something interesting to happen? do you want a day in the spotlight? well, come on down to total drama, where you have the chance to win big!

u𝖭𝖣𝖤𝖱 𝖬𝖸 𝖲𝖪𝖨𝖭』Where stories live. Discover now