Sick in Bed

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It was a quite morning in the lair. The hamato family was in the kitchen having breakfast, everyone except Leo. Sip by sip, Master Splinter was silently drinking his tea while listening to his sons' discussion.

"Man, what's taking fearless so long?" growled a typically moody Raph, known for not being a morning turtle.

"I dunno, dude. It's not like him to sleep in like this," added Mikey before taking another spoonful of cereal.

"He's got a point, something's up." Don waid with a serious tone. These words flew above the wise rat's head which triggered him.

He rose from his seat. "I will go check on your brother", he said while placing down his cup. The turtles nodded as their master made his way out of the kitchen and to Leonardo's room.

Leo's room

Leonardo was still deeply slumbering when his father entered his room, he approached his bed. Just as he was about to call his name, he noticed a reddish tan on his green face, along with an abnormally heavy breathing pattern. His eyes narrowed. Gently, he placed a paw on his eldest's forehead: it was warm. No. It was hot!

Splinter's eyes widened, mildly shaking his son's shoulder. "My son, can you hear me?"

The slight movement caused Leo to moan, startling the rat. His head twirled from one side to another, his eyelids slowly opening, revealing bloodshot eyes, arousing more concern from the wise rat.

"Sensei?" the blue-clad turtle mumbled with a weak voice.

"Are you feeling alright my son?" Leo took a moment to process the question. "Umm, yeah I'm fine," he responded, unconvincingly.

"My son, you have a fever!" Splinter remarked, a sincere look on his face.

"I do?" Leo quized with surprise. "But I feel cold-" sudden caughs escaped him, followed by a series of uncontrollable shivers.

The wise rat instinctively adjusted his blanket, before turning to leave the room.

"You are to stay in bed until further notice, do I make myself clear?" Splinter calmly said, gaining a small nod from a half awake Leo, who was almost tempted to argue, but knew it would've been pointless in all ways.

Finally, Splinter exited the room and headed back to the kitchen where his sons just finished breakfast.

Sensing something was off, the turtles gave their master weird looks.

"Umm, Sensei... Where's Leo?" Mikey was the first to ask.

"I am afraid your brother is ill, so he will not be joining us in training today." Splinter explained while preparing his special herbal tea to help his son feel better.

"Aw, poor Leo," whined an upset Mikey.

"A cold must be going around..." stated Don, his hand on his chin.

Raph, on the other hand, seemed frozen in his seat, holding his spoon in mid-air, knowing what Don said wasn't true. Only he knew what caused Leo to be sick in the first place.


The sound of metal clashing echoed through the bridge. Leo and Raph were having a "weapon exercise" sort of training, though the intensity put into it made it seem more like an actual fight.

The battle went on for a while when suddenly, as Leo dodged one of Raph's sais, he slipped and fell right into the deep, cold river water. The red-clad turtle watched in shock as his brother landed with a SPLASH before disappearing out of sight.

Without a moment to lose, Raph immediately jumped after his brother. "Hang on, Leo!"

Moments later, the two turtles safely came out of the water, but Leo was shivering and coughing out water, Raph not feeling good about the situation.

"You ok, Leo?" he asked with slight concern in his voice.

"Yeah- caugh... Let's head back home- caugh" Leo forced out with a weak voice, as they made their way through the darkness of the night.

As soon as they got to the lair, Leo went straight to his room, not saying a word, leaving Raph standing all by himself, a sad expression on his face.

End of flashback

"Raph?" He snapped when he heard Donnie's voice, looking up at him with surprise. "Huh?"

"You alright?" he asked, concern in his voice. "Yeah, why wouldn't ah be?" Raph faked a chuckle.

"Just asking," Don finished his food and got up from his seat, followed by Mikey, leaving Raph all by himself with Master Splinter. He thought for a moment...

"Master Splinter," he called as the rat held a mug full of tea in his furry paws. "Yes, my son?"

"I-uhh... I'll get that to Leo," he volunteered with hesitance. Splinter to raised an eye brow, then smiled warmly.

"That is very considering of you my son," he said, giving his son the mug before leaving the kitchen.

Leo's room

At the entrance, Raph stood for a minute, before mustering the courange to walk in.

"Hey, Leo... You awake, bro?" he called out, trying not to sound too loud. Leo moaned while twisting on the other side of his bed, then opened his eyes to see Raph.

"R-Raph?" He looked at him with surprise, being the last one to expect at that moment.

"H-Hey I uhh... I-I brought ya some tea and uhh..." At this point, he was starting to feel embarrassed.

"Thanks, just put it on my night table." Leo said while getting in a sitting position.

Raph did just so, and couldn't help but be distracted by how croacky and pained his brother's voice sounded, which made him feel even moe guilty.

He sat on the side of his bed. "...How ya feelin'?" he avoided eye contact.

"'Been better-" he replied before letting out two coughs.

"Look, I'm sorry about-" Raph was instantly interrupted. "Hey, it's ok Raph... Wasn't your fault," Leo reached to pat his shoulder.

"B-But..." Raph looked into his eyes.

"I forgive you, alright?" It took him a moment, but he finally forgave himself, hearing those words from his brother. "Thanks, bro." He returned the smile.

Little did they know, the two brothers were being watched by Splinter, who soon walked away with a smile on his face, leaving them to talk in peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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