The Protector:

40 4 0

:Fluff/Drama/Angst. Mentions of Abuse & Non-Consent touching. Please skip if you aren't comfortable:

:Requested Zoinksbby99 :

Andy was just another boyfriend your sister dragged around all the time and you wanted nothing to do with him. So whenever he came round you hid up in your bedroom. Despite him trying his hardest to get you to like him you refused to give him a chance. He had brought gifts and such via your sisters suggestions as he has tried to make nice.

But to you? Making nice just meant he was probably another abusive jerk who would go after you when your sister was asleep or come round when she wasnt there expecting you to do what he wanted just like all the other assholes she liked.

You were in your bedroom listening to music when you got hungry. You knew your sister had left Andy had been over for breakfast that morning, but you assumed he had gone with her wherever she had gone.

You are humming to yourself as you enter the kitchen and get yourself a Pop and look in the fridge for something to eat.

"Hey Jay" The voice stratles you and makes you knock your head off the fridge door. "Jesus!" You snap rubbing your head as you shut the door and glare at him.

Andy smiles sheepishly "Sorry, Are you okay?" He asks examining from a distance.

You shrug and grab some crisps off the shelf. "I'm fine" You mutter the reply.

He sighs a bit. "I didn't mean to scare you Jay. I just.. Wanted to talk to you" He says softly pushing off the counter he was leaned against.

"Why didnt you go with my sister?" You slightly demand and he shrugs a bit "I wanted to try again with you" He admits.

You snicker a bit keeping your distance like you're on guard. "No, You wanted to be alone with me thinking you would get lucky" You snap.

He looks surprised by the accusation and shakes his head quickly. "Not at all, I really wanna try and get along with you Jay. I care about your sister and I want us to be friends" He insists in a gentle manner.

For a second or two you wonder if hes being honest or not and your guard falters a little bit as you hesitate. "You wanna be friends with me?" You ask for him to clarify.

"Yes Jay. Just friends. I love your sister and I would never hurt her. Nor would I disrespect you like that" He assures.

You fiddle with your strap and sigh a bit seeing the genuine look in his eyes. "Fine.. We can try" You say softly still a bit on edge due to past issues with her ex boyfriends.

He can tell you will take a while to trust him and hes willing to try his best.

He can tell you will take a while to trust him and hes willing to try his best

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