Dealing with the pain

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Ryder didn't want to talk to the doctor but since he was stuck there for 3 days, he didn't really have a choice. "Hello Ryder, I am Dr. Wales I am going to ask you a few questions alright" Dr. Wales said. "Yeah" Ryder said even though he wasn't sure if he would answer the questions, "your family and friends are very worried about you, can you tell me what your intention was when you took the pills?" Dr. Wales asked, "I don't know" Ryder said, "did you want to kill yourself?" Dr. Wales asked, "I don't know" Ryder said, "Listen this isn't going to work if you aren't honest with me, I get I am the last person you want to talk to. I can't let you out of here until I understand the issue in order to help you. If I don't think you are capable of being out in the world, I can't let you leave" Dr. Wales said, "Okay" Ryder said, "are you going to answer my questions?" Dr. Wales said. "No" Ryder said, "okay I will check back with you later then, Ryder please let me help you. I hate seeing such a bright young kid suffer through so much pain" Dr. Wales said as he left the room. The door was closed behind him, and Ryder lay on the mattress in a very white room. He cried he was so confused and hurt he didn't know what to do and he didn't want to talk to anyone. 

Tyler paced the living room it was going to be a long 3 days and it has only been 4 hours since Ryder tried to kill himself. "I just don't understand why? I mean I know Whitney has been a piece of shit his whole life but what changed? I just don't understand why he would do this" Tyler said, "Tyler think about this from his point of view, so much has happened to him and the one person he wanted to love him told him she didn't. Ryder has never felt acceptance from his mother, and he never understood why, she hurt him in so many ways both physically and mentally. I think her essentially telling him she didn't care about him drove him over the edge" Anna said. "I know and I hate her so much for it I hope she dies; this is just ridiculous Ryder is better than this and he has so much going for him. I want nothing but the best for him and I am so hurt that he would choose this over talking to me. I feel like I might be responsible for a part of this too, was I too hard on him?" Tyler asked. "Tyler stop this please it is not helping anyone having you go all negative and depressed on us too. No one will truly know how Ryder feels and I am not sure we should push him on the subject when he gets back. Let him be himself and deal with this, we need to just be there for him and let him come to us" Anna said. "I tried that and look what happened! I can't allow my son to suffer in silence" Tyler said. "You might not have too, who knows what the doctor will do. I do think we need to let Ryder decide for himself though if he wants to talk about his feelings" Anna said. "It is going to be a long 3 days, I guess I should just go to work" Tyler said as he left the lookout and drove to the station.

The pups were also talking about Ryder, Chase was taking it hard, "I don't know why I didn't see this coming" Chase said, "what do you mean?" Zuma asked, "I mean I knew he was in his dad's bathroom I should have guessed what he was doing" Chase said. "How could you have known?" Rubble said, "I mean he has his own bathroom why does he need to use his dad's? I just I am supposed to be a police dog and sense danger" Chase said. "Chase there is no way you could have known, Ryder seemed okay when he was with us. It was a hard situation to read, and I don't think any of us saw it coming" Skye said. "I know but I should have, I feel like a failure" Chase said, "you are not a failure, think about Ryder and his feelings, he probably feels 100x worse than you do right now. You are being way to dramatic and you sulking will not solve anything here" Skye said. "We need to be there for him more and let him know how much we love him not mope around and feel like we failed him. I say we surprise him with something when he gets back" Rocky said. "I agree that sounds like fun maybe we can get Carlos to help us" Skye said, all the other pups agreed even Chase, but he was still really sad.

Katie was no better she was pacing her room as Sophie and Skylar tried to reason with her, "how did I not see my boyfriend was depressed? Did I have something to do with it?" Katie said out loud. "Come on Katie it was not you; he has been through a lot, and I am sure the problems came from his mother. I can't begin to wonder what he has been through and how much anger and fear he had built up. I mean I can't blame him either I would have done the same thing if my mother told me she never loved me" Sophie said. "Sophie that is not helping, Katie it has nothing to do with you, Ryder loves you" Skylar said. "If he loved me, he wouldn't have tried to kill himself and he would have talked to me I could have helped him" Katie said, "maybe he didn't want help and I heard he never actually took enough pills to actually kill himself" Sophie said. "The point is he did it and I am sure his intention was to die right? I mean where do I go from here?" Katie said, "you support him and be there for him, don't push anything and let him come to you" Skylar said. "I just hope he is okay, and I hope his mother burns in hell" Katie said, "yes don't we all" Sophie said. 

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