Ryder's grief

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Ryder locked his bedroom door he felt like he needed to do this alone and he knew what it meant. Ryder watched the computer screen as his mother appeared in front of him, she looked sick and this made Ryder sad. "Ryder, I am sorry if you're watching this then I have passed on, I will never forget the time we had together here in Thailand. I know I was never the best role model to you growing up and I am sorry for that. I want you to remember I used drugs and drank because I couldn't deal with all the thoughts. You are so much more than I am and strive in life and your brain is your super power. I can see how much your family loves you and always hang on to that Ryder. I may be gone but I will always be with you, I love you even though I never showed it much. I want you to always remember who you are and that you will be able to get past this because you are strong. Love you always Mom" Whitney said as the video ended. Ryder cried he was numb he watched it again he just couldn't believe she was gone. This time he felt it he knew she was and he wanted so badly for it to not be true. He did know that eventually all the drinking would catch up to her and cause this but he hated how she just gave up. Ryder looked at the letter and he was scared to read it but he knew in the end he should. Ryder opened it and inside was a will and a note that said "all of this now belongs to you, in the next few days you will be receiving everything I have ever invented. It might not be much but maybe you can make them even more amazing. I also am leaving you with all the money I have and my ashes so you can do with them what you please, love mom"  Ryder didn't know what this meant he had no idea his mom even had inventions. He stared at the pictures for a while and cried he didn't want anyone to see him like this.

Tyler came home and noticed the pups playing in the yard he didn't see Ryder and he wondered if he came home from school. He noticed his ATV was in the garage and he went and knocked on his door. "Ryder you in there?" Tyler asked but Ryder didn't reply and he was worried. Ryder knew his dad was there but he was not ready to face anyone just yet. Tyler went outside and said "Hey you guys seen Ryder?" he asked the pups, "he is in his room I think" Rocky said as he was the closest. "Weird I knocked but he never answered" Tyler said, "the last time he didn't answer he took pills" Marshall said. Tyler, and all the pups rushed to his room and Rocky unlocked the door, Ryder knew they were there but he was numb. Tyler noticed the computer and saw Whitney, "hey pups he's okay, let me talk to him for a minute" Tyler said. "Okay" the pups said even though they were worried for him. Tyler sat on the edge of Ryder's bed, "I am sorry bud, I know this time its real and I wish she had at least called you like she said she would. She hasn't been doing very good and I am not sure how you feel I can see you are hurting and I am here if you need to talk" Tyler said. Ryder didn't say anything he just stared at his wall, "don't shut yourself off to much Ryder we all want to help you, if it would be easier I can call Dr. Wales" Tyler said. Ryder shook his head and his dad knew to just leave him alone. "Okay I will go but remember we are all here for you okay" Tyler said and Ryder nodded but he still didn't move. 

Tyler left his room and sighed he knew this hurt his son but he didn't expect him to react this way as he didn't think they were this close. "Is Ryder okay Tyler sir?" Chase asked, "no he just found out his mom is gone and it is affecting him worse than I expected." Tyler said, "Oh man, poor Ryder" Skye said as she hated seeing him like this they all did. Just then Ryder left his room and went into the garage and left on his ATV. "Ryder! where are you goin?" Tyler yelled at him but he was gone. "Dammit that boy is taking this way to hard" Tyler said he wanted to follow but he also didn't want to push it either. Rocky ran inside the lookout and pulled Ryder's location up onto the map, "he is at Katie's" Rocky said, "okay well at least he is seeking help from someone" Tyler said as he left it alone. Ryder pulled up to Katie's and he didn't really know why he ended up there but he needed someone and his first thought was her. Ryder walked inside and Angela greeted him, "Hi Ryder, Katie is not here but she should be back shortly" Angela said and Ryder just fell to the floor. "Oh honey are you alright?" Angela asked as she went over to comfort him, Ryder didn't expect her hug to make him cry even harder. "Oh my, let me call Katie just hang on" Angela said as she called her daughter, "hey mom, I will be home soon" Katie said, "I think you need to come right now, Ryder need you" Angela said, "what do you mean?" Katie said, "I mean he is currently crying on the shop floor and I am worried" Angela said. "Oh no I am coming" Katie said as she hung up and ran home as fast as she could.

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