Chapter 25 lord zedd vs the power rangers part 2

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They turned their moonrovers into weapons.
Otis's moonrover turned into a mace.
Trinity's moonrover turned into a sai's.
Ethan's moonrover turned into a club.
Dalton's moonrover turned into brass knuckles.
Jhireek's moonrover turned into a crossbow.
They grab their weapons off the ground.
Lord Zedd: Oh, we're serious.
Lord Zedd pulls out his staff.
Lord Zedd: Let's get serious.
They charge at Lord Zedd.
Lord Zedd swings his staff, which makes lasers come out of it.
Otis hits the laser with his mace, and the laser bounces off the mace.
Lord Zedd: What the?
Trinity blocks the laser with her sai's, and the laser bounces off the sai's.
Lord Zedd: No!
Ethan hits the laser with his club, and the laser goes around the moon until it explodes.
Ethan: Homerun.
Dalton hits the laser with his brass knuckles, and the laser bounces off them.
Jhireek shoots the laser with his crossbow, causing it to die on impact.
But it didn't explode.
Lord Zedd: How is this legally possible?
Otis: It's over lord zedd.
Trinity: Go back where you came from.
Ethan: Or die.
Dalton: A very painful deathful.
Jhireek: A slow one.
Lord Zedd: I won't let you.
Lord Zedd charges at them and swings staff at them, but they block with their weapons.
Lord Zedd: What how?
All but lord zedd: It's because we're the power rangers!
They knock the staff out of his hands and him on the ground.
Otis quickly grabs the staff.
Otis: Time to end this.
Lord Zedd: Wait, no, don't.
Otis raises his knee and uses his knee to break the staff in two.
Otis: Whoops.
He drops the broken staff and his knee.
Lord Zedd: Noooo!
He turns into dust.
Trinity: Yes.
Ethan: Finally.
Dalton: We did it.
Jhireek: I don't believe it.
Otis: Yeah, take that lord zedd.
Zordon teleports them to the base.
Zordon: Well done power rangers.
Alpha: But quick before they start the spaceship without you guys.
All but Alpha and Zordon: Right.
They turn their weapons back to their moonrovers.
Jhireek: Let's ride them one last time.
They detransform.
They get on their moonrovers and drive to the station.
Trinity: Now let's get to our rooms before they realize we were gone.
Ethan: Good idea.
Dalton: And we have to get rid of our space suits.
Jhireek: Well, let's go already.
They take off their space suits and run to their rooms.
They get back into position that Mr. Lee left them in.
A few days later, their legs are finally "healed," and now they can get onto the spaceship.
Mr. Lee: Everyone here?
Otis: Here.
Trinity: Here.
Ethan: Here.
Dalton: Here.
Jhireek: Here.
Emani: Here.
Jaysun: Here.
Cameron: Here.
Mystic: Here.
Mr. Lee: Good, you're all here.
He sits down and buckles his seat belt.
T-minus 3,2,1.
Blast off!
They were finally off the moon.
Otis looks out the window to see a something go to earth.
All: Zordon and alpha?

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