10 - Dinner

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"Hey Mom, Conrad's coming to visit for a few days.  He's grilling tonight and Steven's joining us for dinner," I hit send on my phone.  Conrad had called five minutes earlier to let me know he was about an hour away and I realized I hadn't told my mom about his visit.

I had been tidying the house and prepping the guest bedroom since Taylor had left and now it was time to get myself ready.  I looked at my reflection in the mirror and suddenly wished Taylor was still here to help me with my hair and makeup.  Conrad had seen me plenty of times after I had just rolled out of bed, but today my disheveled appearance wouldn't do. Maybe it was nerves related to our announcement or because Conrad was coming to visit me on my turf.  Whatever the reason, I felt like everything had to be perfect when he got here and that included my appearance.

"What a nice surprise, I'm looking forward to tonight!" my mom texted back.

I breathed a sigh of relief.  "So far everything's going as planned," I reassured myself as I ran a brush through my hair.

When Conrad arrived I was reasonably happy with my appearance and the state of the house.  I didn't give him a chance to knock.  As he was climbing the porch steps I flung open the door, barreled through the doorway into his arms and accosted him with hugs and kisses.  One might have thought, that we hadn't seen each other in years (which was kinda true I guess).

"You made good time, it's only a little after eleven," I said.

Smiling down at me he replied, "I left early."

Conrad dropped his bag off in the guest room and we left for the grocery store. After we finished our grocery run we still had a few hours before we had to start dinner so we went out for ice cream. 

"Remember the last time we were here," I giggled.

"Yeah,"Conrad grinned, "I had to share you with Laurel and Steven.  This time we beat them to the punch though, we're having dessert first!"  I laughed and with an ice cream cone in one hand and Conrad's hand in my other we walked slowly down the street to the car.

Steak, pasta salad, asparagus, and strawberry shortcake were on our dinner menu.  Conrad and I worked together in the kitchen just like we did at the beach house. Once we had the pasta salad and strawberry shortcake ready we had nothing to do but wait for my mom and Steven to arrive so we could start the steak and asparagus.

"Everything's falling into place perfectly!" I sighed happily as I slipped my arms around Conrad's waist.  He returned the hug and bent down to kiss me.

"Ahem," Steven cleared his throat from the kitchen doorway. 

We turned toward the sound.  "Hey Steven!" Conrad said without missing a beat.  There was no awkwardness in the way Conrad said it, his arms still around me like they belonged there.  I on the other hand felt flustered, like I got caught doing something I wasn't supposed to, but I followed Conrad's lead and casually welcomed Steven too.  It wasn't much longer before my mom arrived and Conrad put the steak and asparagus on the grill.  Fifteen minutes later we were all seated around the table, our plates heaped with food.

"You're becoming quite the man of intrigue," Steven said to Conrad as he cut into his steak.  You go away for years and then return for a time only to disappear again for even longer and then suddenly your back."

"Well, you'll be seeing me more regularly now," Conrad smiled at Steven as he placed his hand firmly but gently on the small of my back. 

"This is it," I told myself talking a quick breath and holding it.  I knew Conrad was about to share our news.  "Please Mom, take it well," I prayed silently.

"I asked Isabel to marry me and she said yes," Conrad continued.  He was bursting with happiness yet he kept his voice low and steady.

"Woah, really!" Steven exclaimed, "That's awesome!"

I turned towards my mom to see her reaction.  She had put down her knife and fork and sat back in her chair.  A quiet smile lit her face and she looked genuinely happy.  "Congratulations you two," she said meeting my gaze and then looking at Conrad, "I always hoped this day would come."

I had to force myself to act chill and relaxed and not let my jaw hang open.  She had always hoped this day would come? This was a far different reaction than what I had expected from her... from the last time my engagement had been announced.  I let out my breath,  "Thanks Mom," I managed to say in what I thought was a pretty normal voice. 

My mom nodded, and in a softer, more distant voice she added, "Susannah hoped for this day too."

I glanced at Conrad worried that mentioning Susannah might trigger him, but if it did he didn't let it show.  He just nodded in agreement.

"So when is the happy day?" Steven asked.

"We haven't set a date yet" Conrad replied, "but it will be after I finish med school."

My mother nodded approvingly, and the conversation turned toward a different topic.

Later that evening after Steven left, Conrad and I were sitting on the front porch looking at the stars.  "That went well," I breathed in Conrad's ear, now we just have to tell my dad, your dad and Jeremiah.  "Yeah," Conrad nodded as he took my hand.

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