Chapter 1

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It was the morning after my classmates and I were told to kill each other to escape. Like in a usual classroom, there were; the early people, the people on time, and the late ones. I was one that was early.

There stood a large, blonde boy, a beautiful gray-haired girl, a short brown-haired boy, an odd white-haired boy, and a short blonde-haired boy.

I decided to get to know my classmates better, but of course, my knees began to buckle I couldn't stop moving, and I tripped. My body rolled towards the gray-haired girl, my legs stuck above my head, and scratches from the wood all over my body. My "perverted position" seemed to excite the brown-haired boy, and the girl helped me stand.

"Thank you" I softly mumbled, with my stuttering getting in the way.

I cleared my throat and tried not to stutter, "I'm Mikan, Mikan Tsumiki* Exactly as I expected, I stuttered. My face flushed red with embarrassment.

"My name is Peko Pekoyama, this is my young master, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu," she said.

The short boy glared at her.

"What did I say about you calling me that? Fuyuhiko growled.

My apologies, after saying it all my life I can't help but be used to calling you that"

"Was that sarcasm?°


I decided to back away. I didn't want to be the start of an argument.

I walked over to the brown-haired boy.

*My guess is either." he thought for a moment "solid white thongs or white panties with little teddy bears*

My face immediately turned red.

*Oh wait he smirked I already saw

He let out a small chuckle "I'm Teruteru Hanamura" he smiled at me

"I'm Mikan" I awkwardly smiled,

I could see the other blonde boy glaring at him

I didn't know what to say to him so l just awkwardly waved. He let out a quiet grunt and a nod.

I suppose he took this as a chance to push TeruTeru away from me

"Heeeeeeeey!" a voice yelled "oh. Mahiru isn't here"

I turned my head to see Hiyoko. A small girl with a large ponytail and orange kimono.

She gave me a dirty glare.

"Best not trip you pigged feet whore" she snarled

I don't know what caused me to do it but I apologized I suppose the thought of everyone accepting me, and having everyone's approval, made me happy.

"Oh wow," Hiyoko snickered "Mr, Tough guy is being a goody two shoes and showing up?"

Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes.

*You better watch out you brat." He smirked "What if i decide to make you the first victim"

The larger boy gave him a glare.

"There will be absolutely no killings, he said, in his stem voice

Hiyoko giggled, enjoying taunting Fuyuhiko

She continued to taunt him more until a girl with short red hair walked in. Hiyoko immediately ran to her, attaching herself to the girl's waist

*Mahiruuuuu" She smiled

*Good morning Hiyoko" Mahiru smiled back.

I could feel chills going down my spine as if someone was staring at me. I turned my back to see the white-haired boy staring ever so slightly past me.

Something To ProtectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora