Chapter 1

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Ezra POV
"Do you think she's into flowers?"
"Maybe tulips are more meaningful or more noble you know? Can you tell I'm trying to sound cool with my words?" "But what about roses she also likes the color red so I think she would like it but, I also feel like tulips would match her energy and personality." Tanner says while smiling. "What do you think?" He asked.

Tanner was talking but it was inaudible to me. The rain tapping on the window hitting the ground. The squeaky wet shoes hitting the ground and the closing of umbrellas, pushing of carts. His cheeks are always puffy and red. I mentally smile at him. I love how cute his dimples look when he smiles or the way his eyes sparkle when he gets happy over things.

"Ezra?" Tanner said. "What did you say sorry I zoned out." I say while he snaps me out of my trance. "Ezra I need you to focus I really want to ask Milly out you know I've had a crush on her for years so, which flower should I choose the roses or the tulips?" Tanner asks. "I think she would like the roses better." I mumbled. Tanner's face lights up and he started going on and on about her. And then I was back into focusing on anything other than my heartbeat thumping and my breath hitching.

Hi, I'm Ezra which you already probably knew. I'm 17 and I  have lived in Ohio pretty much my whole life. I know what your thinking everything happens in Ohio well, you're right you can find anything there like drug addicts, but let's get back to me since that's what the story is about. I've been in love with my best friend for as long as I can remember. Also, did I mention I'm in a gang called Poison Ivy? The most feared gang in Tundra, Ohio. I can't ever tell Tanner about it. He wouldn't look at me the same for both reasons(loving him and being in a gang).

I get a text from Stick saying that we have a meeting tonight and I know from experience that Stick doesn't like when people are late. "Can we leave now?" I asked eagerly. " Yeah just right after I pay for these." "It will be $15.99." the cashier said. "What do you want to do after this? You wanna watch the new Black Panther movie?" Tanner asked. "Here's your change. Have a great day." the cashier said. "you too." Tanner said with a smile. We walk out of the store and head to my car. "I'm busy I have this thing." I start my car and I begin the drive to Tanners' house. He, fortunately, lives on the rich side of the town unlike me I live on the bad side of town or ghetto if you would call it that. "You've been busy all week what thing is so important? We said we would watch the new Black Panther movie together." Tanner said "Um... I-I-I promised my grandma that I would help her move some furniture around." I said nervously. 'I can't let him find out about the gang it's for his safety.' I thought to myself. "oh ok maybe tomorrow?" Tanner asked. "yeah sure. Well here's your stop." I said. "Thanks for hanging out with me today and helping me pick out flowers for Milly I really like her." He said. "Yeah anytime. I hope things go well with you and Milly." I said with a sad expression. "Well, I go to go. I'll call you later ok." I wink at him. "ok bye " He says. I look back through the mirror while driving off into the distance on the way to the meeting.

The first chapter is done I'm so excited I hoped y'all liked it don't forget to vote

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