Chapter 2

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Tanner's POV

As I watch Ezra's car drive off into the distance I turn around and head inside. "Kiza you home?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm right here on the couch," Kiza said. "What are you watching?" I asked curiously. "I'm watching this new show called Wednesday it's really good you should watch it," Kiza said. "Yeah, I will later," I said "Hey by any chance do you have Milly's number?" I asked. " Yeah, why?" She asked curiously. "Because I've liked her for the longest time and I need you to tell her to meet me at the park," I said to her. "Yeah sure let me text her real quick." She said. "Ok, I'll be upstairs changing if you need me," I said while I was walking upstairs. Kiza and I had pretty much live alone because our parents are usually on business trips. They're the CEO of Fashioncorpe the best clothing line in America. I open my door and walked into my room with clothes all over the floor. 'Jeez if I want to date The Milly Pierce then I need to take better care of myself. 'hmm what should I wear.' I thought to myself. I decided I'm going to wear black jeans and a grey shirt. I go into my bathroom and I smell my breath. "ugh I need to brush my teeth." I said. "Should I  comb my hair back or just leave it how it is? Yeah, I'm just going to leave it how it is. I walk downstairs and I see Kiza still watching Wednesday. "Hey Kiza what do you think of my outfit?" I asked. "I love it." She said.  "Okay thanks, I'm leaving now see ya later, wish me luck love ya," I said while I walked out the door.

Milly POV

My dad and I were going through some ideas on how we can take down Poison Ivy and become the most feared gang in Tundra. I got a text from Milly one of my friends from school.

Kiza and Milly

K: Hey you busy

M: No why?

K: You know my brother right?

M: Yeah isn't he that nerd that hangs out Ezra. I don't even know how their friends Ezra is popular and your brother is just how would I say this....

K: Weird

M: Yeah exactly, but what did you wanna tell me?

K: Oh yeah, my brother likes you and wants to ask you out at the park he's waiting there for you, but I'll text him if you're not going

"What's so important that you are on your phone instead of listening to this meeting," Cameron said. "You remember my friend Kiza? Well her brother is going to ask me  out and I'm thinking of saying no because that Tanner kid is so weird," I said. "Isn't he friends with Ezra the guy from Poison Ivy?" Damien asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked curiously. I look towards  Damien "This could be a good opportunity for us. This could be the moment we're waiting for." Damien said. I look at my dad with a confused look. "What do you mean?" I said. "Milly are you slow? You'll use this Tanner kid to get information from Ezra to use against Poison Ivy." Cameron said. "Do I have to." I say with a whiney voice. "Yes you do and that's final end of discussion." Cameron says with a demanding voice. " And also if you don't do this I'll hurt your best friend  and I know you don't want that to happen."Ok fine." Milly says while rolling her eyes.

While I exit my house and head to my car I get a text from Kiza.

K: you there?

M: Yeah sorry about that

M: Yeah I'll go and meet him

K: Okay and Milly, don't break his heart

M: Don't worry I won't.

I don't want to do this ,but I have to or he'll hurt Kiza and I can't let that happen. I walk up to my Corvette. It was my 16th birthday present from my dad. I turn on my car and plug in my phone to turn on some Taylor Swift (Don't judge I like Taylor Swift) and start my drive to the park to meet Tanner.

When I get there I park my car and unplug my phone from the aux cord and turn off the car. I See Tanner standing by the benches. I walk up to him with a fake smile on my face. Here we go. "Hi Tanner." Milly said.

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