Chapter 1

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Blurry images were in front of him and he at this moment couldn't remember anything. He was in a haze and he didn't know what the feeling was resting in his body at that moment.

Content? Love? 

Ulquiorra didn't know, he couldn't feel anything, but there was something within him that he couldn't name, couldn't put a finger on. It was so confusing to him.

They weren't supposed to feel anything. They were only meant to follow Aizen-Sama's orders and nothing else.

He vaguely remembered Orihime Inoue's figure as she stood in front of him and her arms were extended toward him, but he couldn't touch her – he felt so far away from her.

He felt as his body began to turn into dust, every inch of his body was vanishing through thin air as if he didn't exist before. As if there will be no Ulquiorra anymore.

"I see now. In the palm of my hand... is a heart." 

He said as he saw his hand dissolving into nothing and Orihime Inoue was still trying to grab his hand, but her hand went through nothing.

He was so confused about what was happening, he didn't know what he was feeling, he didn't know anything, and then he closed his eyes  –

Then there was nothing.


A pierced wail cut through his ears and the sound was so loud that Ulquiorra thought it would destroy his ears. He wanted to yell at whoever was making this sound to make it stop,  then he realised that the sound was coming out of him.

He could hear yells and shouts mixed with his wails and he could feel something beating harshly in his chest, but he didn't know what is it, he wanted to dig in his chest and grab what was pounding so rapidly to make it stop too.

"Make that piece of shit stop!" A man's voice yelled and Ulquiorra flinched violently and he felt that foreign thing in his chest beat more rapidly.

Loud footsteps could be heard and Ulquiorra couldn't stop the sound that came out of his body. Which he realised was a small one, so small like what the humans call Babies. The sound made his whole body tremble violently and he couldn't stop it! 

"You, ugly crier!" A woman yelled angrily and she tightened her hold on his body – his frail body . "Look what you have done! There is nothing good about you." She was still yelling.

And he felt something inside him, but he couldn't define what it was, couldn't pinpoint what it was.

He didn't like this. He didn't like this at all. 

"You only brought trouble since you were born, Keigo. You shouldn't have been born." She whispered, a sob came out of her and Ulquiorra felt her body tremble like his and she started crying, tears streamed down her cheeks like his "He left me." Her voice was quiet and the tears continued to fall down her face "Will you just shut up, stupid boy?"

And Ulquiorra who didn't know anything but follow orders – his whole life was about following orders and nothing else – tried to stop the sobs that wracked his small body and tried to stop the tears that were running down his cheeks.

And he tried to not feel anything again.

Just follow orders, that's what he was good about.


Ulquiorra learned that the two humans in this place are his parents and they named him Takami Keigo. He had learned that he was an undesired child, no one wanted him around (that's what the woman, his mother, always told him.), and that he shouldn't have been born.

As a human (bleach and boku no hero crossover)Where stories live. Discover now