Chapter 4

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He returned to where he was before –

Nothingness, endless blackness that kept swallowing him until he became nothing.

Stretching infinitely before him, the void devoured all light. No stars were permitted to enter. The darkness was complete, nothing could be seen. It was like existence ceased to be: a true epitome of nothingness.

It was a blessing to not feel anything. 

He remembered the smile on his face given to the woman who gave birth to this weak frail boy – who cursed him with this weak frail body. He used to feel things that he wasn't used to feeling – love, hate, sadness, fear and many emotions that he didn't want to acknowledge again.

His heart stopped beating for anything. He stopped feeling because he realized that feelings make a person worthless and pathetic.

Torture, or punishment like what they were calling it , killed any feeling in his heart. They electro-shocked him when he refused to obey. They plucked his feathers, ripping them as if they weren't part of him, talons trimming, cosmetic surgeries to hide my hawk's traits, and trying to suppress them, but nothing mattered to Ulquiorra.

These fool humans – he snarled whenever they tried to discipline him, to shape him to their liking. But what they didn't know was that Ulquiorra was biding his time to make his frail body more powerful, so he wasn't fazed by their attempts –

They were laughable if anyone asked him 

He used to listen to Aizen-Sama's orders even though he knew that he didn't care about him, then his supposed parents' orders, but now Ulquiorra wouldn't follow anyone again. He would be his own person and make them regret every single time they dared to harm him.

He was Ulquiorra Cifer not Takami Keigo and not –


He couldn't stop the scowl that appeared on his face every time one of the humans called him by this name.

"You are future Pro hero Hawks, not Takami Keigo. Do you understand?" One of the humans told him as soon as he started his training. "Forget about your name. That boy was weak, pathetic and now he's dead."

They made sure to drill this information into his mind, but Ulquiorra decided that he didn't care about their orders anymore. He didn't want to follow any orders anymore. He was the fourth Espada in Aizen's army and these humans were beneath him.

Time lost its definition as days blended together, blurring his perception, and leaving him unaware of its passing. However, they informed him that it was his tenth birthday, but he held no regard for such trivial human things and they didn't even care if it was Takami Keigo's birthday, so training continued and with it, the punishments continued.

"I don't think it's for your benefit to refuse to cooperate, Hawks," His handler , Asahi, said which made Ulquiorra sneer at him, his red wings flaring behind him in a sign of aggression. He had never seen a human more pathetic than Asahi; abusing children as if they were tools in the mask of training. "Do you want to get punished?" He continued in a soft, mocking tone, kneeling in front of Ulquiorra and putting his hands on both of his shoulders to activate his quirk. 

Ulquiorra could feel the tendrils of Asahi's quirk starting to consume his mind until it became nothing. His wings sharpened behind him as Asahi's hands never left his shoulders.

If he had his full power, Asahi would be nothing, this place would be nothing.

"Hawks, you want to continue your rebellious actions?" Asahi's quirk increased by every second. It was like his head was about to explode, and he found it hard to breathe. "Don't you want to be a hero?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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