The Daycare

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"Why can't we train them to be bloodthirsty killing machines again?" Shadow asked.

"Because they're CHILDREN!" Spirit replied.

"Just look at them!" Shadow exclaimed.

The two looked at the little ones. Someone was crying already. It was poor little Timothy. Spirit went over and picked him up, trying to calm the little 2 year old down. She then turned to the others.

"Did any of you do anything to make Timothy cry?" She asked.

Nobody did anything. Maybe Timothy needed something but was too shy to use words?

"Are you hungry?" Spirit asked Timothy.

He nodded.

"Alright. Thank you for reminding me that it's snack time." Spirit smiled. "Ok everyone, it's snack time!"

The others followed her into the dining room, where she set them down in their seats and went into the kitchen to prepare some snacks for them. When she came out of the kitchen with the snacks, she set the plates down in front of them and began eating.

Seek just covered his in goo and absorbed it, since he doesn't have a mouth. He also absorbed it very slowly for some reason. Spirit took notice of this and asked Hide, since he probably knows more information, and can form more coherent sentences because he's 5 and Seek is 3.

"...Glitch had food." Hide whispered. "...he had a reaction to something in it."

"I see..." Spirit whispered. "How did you deal with the reaction?"

"...medicine." Hide responded.

"Did Shadow leave you unattended?" Spirit asked.

Hide nodded.

"Shadow! You were supposed to watch the kids!" Spirit exclaimed.

"Oh well." Shadow shrugged. "What's done is done."

"You left young children unsupervised around medicine!" Spirit exclaimed. "And unsupervised in general!"

Shadow just stared at her. She stared back. She then sighed and looked over at the little ones, who looked like they were done eating. It looked like Ambush was passing something around the table to the other small entities.

Spirit mentally facepalmed, now remembering that Ambush doesn't particularly care for anything that very crunchy. She probably should've cooked the celery a little bit so they could be able to eat it. She made the assumption that it was the crunching sound that put them in a state of discomfort.

Spirit then started to clean up when the others were done eating. She soon finished cleaning up, told Shadow that he had to wash the dishes, and then told the little ones that it was nap time. She brought them to the room where they all took naps/slept and tucked them in. She read them a story before exiting the room and shutting the light off, closing the door gently as to not disturb them, or let Shadow in.

Spirit pulled up a chair outside the door, just in case if something were to happen she can just go inside, and watch out for Shadow because who knows what he'll do if he gets in. She soon heard crying. She got up out of her seat and went inside the room. She turned the light on and saw that both Ambush and Seek were crying. She then placed the both of them next to their brothers after she got them to calm down. Little Screech then started to cry.

She got him to calm down as well. And now that everyone was calm and asleep again, she went outside the room, grabbed the chair, put it next to the light switch, closed the door, sat down, and then shut the light off. The only thing that light up the room was the blue lights that acted as night lights.

"Rest well, little ones. Have sweet, lovely, and peaceful dreams."


Once nap time was over, some of the little ones woke up, some didn't. Some just felt so exhausted for some reason. Spirit had to wake them up or else they wouldn't sleep at night. Little Timothy started to crawl up the side of the set of drawers and attempt to get in one. Spirit opened the drawer to let him in. Soon, there was a knock on the door. Spirit got up out of her seat and opened the door.

"What, Shadow?" She asked.

"I have something to tell you." Shadow responded. "It's about when I had to babysit the kids... mainly about Seek."

"What happened?" Spirit asked.

"I may or may not have left him unsupervised with a lighter one day." Shadow answered.


"At least he was occupied." Shadow stated.

"He could've gotten hurt! He could've burned himself!" Spirit exclaimed.

Shadow just stared. He then sighed.

"He's made out of this slime like substance. I don't think that he can burn." Shadow stated.

"But still! You left a young child unattended with a dangerous item!" Spirit exclaimed.

"If he looks ok then he's ok." Shadow told her.

Spirit sighed in frustration. She can't. This man causes her so much stress than the kids. She then proceeded to get the kids to wake up, but little Seek started crying. She had to calm him down and see if any damage was done when Shadow left him alone with a lighter.

Luckily there wasn't any damage done, but it still didn't stop his crying. She guessed that she had to let him wake up on his own instead of waking him up. He did cry himself to sleep. Spirit just held him in her arms.

She had to babysit the others, since she doesn't trust Shadow to babysit. But Spirit got the other small entities to do some coloring and some playing. Poor little Figure. He "looked" around cluelessly, since he is completely blind. Spirit sighed. She now had both Seek and Figure in her arms. She sat down in a nearby chair to watch the little ones so they don't do anything too crazy.

Spirit felt little Figure fall asleep. She didn't wanna wake the two up, so she just sat there. Shadow came up to her and asked to help babysit, to which she said no. He did leave a 3 year old alone with a lighter.

But right now, she was focused on the little entities. She realized that she had to make dinner soon so they could eat and then sleep after a nice, warm, and comforting bath to help them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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