Aomine x reader "what are you an idiot" ~wolf girl and black prince theme~

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-Your P.O.V-
Bf/n: "Really the aomine daiki asked you out"
Y/n:" yeah"
Bf/n:"aren't you happy, he was your crush"
Y/n: "yeah I am"
Author's P.O.V
Aomine had asked you out about a month ago.You didn't give him an answer till just yesterday,of course you said yes since you did like him no scratch that loved him. Even so what would aomine the ace of the generation of miracles see in you. You were simple and you heard that he likes big breast yet you were an average size a B cup to be precise. Was he just playing with you, even the thought of it hurts you.
-One week later-Your P.O.V-
???:" Hi I'm kimura hyuga"
Girls:"oh my god he is so cute"
Y/n: 'huh, is he walking over here'
Kimura: "hey there it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Kimura "
Y/n:" uh,hmm likewise and I'm (y/n)"
Teacher: "class today we'll learn about the history of Edo "
-An hour later-
Y/n:"ahh I'm so tired"
Girl#1:"did you see him?"
Girl#2:"yeah aomine is so hot, I can't believe he's going out with such a simple unattractive girl like her"
Girl#3:"oi shhh look"
Y/n: 'there right why would he~'
???:" oi,oi lets go "
Y/n: "well aomine "
Aomine:"what is it"
Y/n:" I'm the class rep so I need to do some paper work"
Aomine:"fine I'm going home ja-na"
Kimura: "so is that you boyfriend"
-Kimura's P.O.V-
Y/n: "yeah"
Kimura:"oh well I won't bother you while your at work so I'll be going"
Y/n:"see you tomorrow"
Once I walked out the class room I headed to find aomine. He's just like me, so what is he doing with such a pitiful girl. I'll have to open his eyes a bit.
-30 minutes -
Kimura: "just the person I was looking for"
Aomine:" what do you want "
Kimura:" I just want to ask you a question"
Aomine:"what is it"
Kimura:"are you really going out with
Aomine:"I guess so"
Kimura:"no way!why?It's a waste!...a guy like you could love and leave as many girls as you want"
Kimura:"you should rethink're not the type to stick with one women,you should enjoy yourself in the moment"
Aomine"I don't need you advice"
Kimura:"your serious, I don't get it you can have your pick of girls why go for (y/n) for better or worse she's totally average"
-Your P.O.V-
I finished earlier than I expected. I'm going home and straight to bed
Kimura:"your serious, I don't get it you can have your pick of girls why go for (y/n) for better or worse she's totally average"
Y/n: huh is that kimura and...aomine
Kimura:"is she super rich or something...or is she convenient to have around, a real yes-man?...has she got some dirt on you, maybe?.....oh I know...
Y/n: "why is"
I then felt tears on my cheeks he's right why is~
Aomine P.O.V
This guy is really getting annoying
Kimura:"oh I know.....she's great in bed,
My eyes then widen and I turned around and punched him
Y/n:" aomine stop
Aomine:"huh (y/n) did you finish you work already"
Y/n: "yeah so let's go home,yes"
-Author P.O.V-
You and aomine were walking when you stopped.
Aomine:"what's wrong"
Y/n:" you know if you're just using me to kill time then~"
Aomine:"what are you an idiot I would never do that I asked you out because I love you not because I wanted to kill time"
You stood there dumbfounded this was the first time aomine told you how he felt and it really reassured you
Y/n:" I love you too and I'm sorry I doubted you"
Aomine:"I'll make sure to give you enough proof"
Y/n:"Proof ?"
Aomine: "this"
He then leaned close to your lips and gave them a quick peck. you then turned fifty shades of red
Aomine:"cute...lets go"

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