I Love You In Red

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The day was new, and Alicent Hightower had barely taken two steps out of her temporary room in the castle at King's Landing before she was accosted. This would be most concerning if her assailant was anyone but her best friend and the princess of the realm, Rhaenyra Targaryen. While the dear princess was always excited to see her, she seemed particularly enthralled as of late.

This could likely be attributed to the fact that she had managed to convince her father, the King, to suggest Alicent remain at the castle for a fortnight. The plea was under the guise of a need for extra tutoring, which seemed reasonable enough considering the only two things Rhaenyra seemed to have on her mind at any given moment were her dear companion and her dragon, and only one of them kept her out of trouble. And so it was that the carriage that normally sent for Alicent remained stationed outside the castle, and the girls remained at each others' sides at most hours of the day, only parting once the sun went down and reconnecting in the morrow.

Some days, Rhaenyra would wake early and take her golden dragon, Syrax, out to "wake up the sun", but most mornings, her handmaidens troubled over getting her out of bed at a reasonable hour. With Alicent ever-present the last few days, she'd been much more sensible, however it was a surprise indeed to see her fully dressed and ready for the day before even the fastidious Hightower.

In lieu of a greeting, Rhaenyra began her conversation with "I'd like you to stay in my room tonight."

An incredulous smile overtook Alicent's face. "Whatever for? The room you've got me stationed in is more than enough for just me."

Rhaenyra had the decency of looking ashamed, her gaze on the ground as she admitted "I've heard whisperings."

Big, brown eyes rolled. "What about?"

"That you're homesick," Rhaenyra stated, her eyes softening. As much as she adored the company of her companion, it hurt her heart to think the girl wanted to return to her home in Oldtown so soon. She wondered if her ever-present company might be more comforting.

A scoff erupted from Alicent, short-lived and annoyed. "Well, I can assure you that's not the case. I love being here with you. If you believed every whisper uttered in this castle, you'd surely lose your mind."

"You've been crying," Rhaenyra offered, her voice now hushed so only they and the guard posted at Alicent's door may hear. He was the one who had brought the concern to the princess in the first place.

At that, Alicent's cheeks burned red as her hair. "That's not true," she said, her eyes scanning the castle walls and her jaw clenching.

Rhaenyra didn't know why Alicent bothered to deny it when her demeanor was so damning. She took a step forward, "It's okay if you're lonely, Alicent. I get lonely, too."

There was that smile again. Funny how smiles weren't always indicative of joy. "I'm with you sun up to sun down; I'm not lon-"

"And during the day you seem perfectly happy," Rhaenyra was quick to point out. "Well, for you," she added, smirking that little half-smile that Alicent had come to know meant trouble. The Targaryen knew well that she was often the cause of Alicent's annoyance, but their dynamic had been like that for as long as she could remember. It was a familiar push and pull, and to be honest, it was kind of fun to rile the other girl up. "Stay in my chambers."

"And what? Have them bring in another enormous bed to your chambers just for a few nights?" Alicent asked as though that would be the end of it. Of course, it wasn't.

"Of course not. You'd stay in my bed, with me," the princess offered hastily, as if the answer was obvious.

Alicent had the audacity to laugh just as quickly as the suggestion was offered. It was a quick, loud sort of thing that suggested she believed the idea to be farcical.

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