On Bright Soul in This Emptiness

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Scene 1

Raven could tell he was angry. She could feel it in every inch of his touch as it ran over her body: how could he not be? Raven could see now the position Talia had put her in. Not that she couldn't before, but the woman had a way of seducing people into trusting her. Of finding that one thing missing within a person and tugging at it until it fit her just right. She tapped into the empty space Raven's own mother could never quite fill and let her feel that motherly hand, guiding her through those small moments she'd been more than robbed of.

Only now she felt cheapened as she looked down at the man she loved beneath her. For that temporary fullness came at the cost of his pride.

"She didn't give me much choice in the matter," Raven defended.

"Clearly. What did she say?"

"She just said that I needed a job if I wanted to stay at the Manor and that..."


"That she needs to teach me the family way."

Raven watched as Damian's face grew deathly still and looked away from her, peering out the window of the driver's side door. As if she betrayed him somehow.

"You know if I don't work for her, then she won't let me stay, right?"

"I know," he barked at a loss. "But Raven, you have to promise me, you won't be like her."

"Damian I would never—"

"No! Promise me... You can't be like her?"

"I won't, I promise."

Even with that, things between them remained tense. Damian knew it wasn't Raven's fault, but he couldn't help but feel unsettled: fearful. Sickened by the idea of how easily his mother used Raven to off put him. Forcing her close, if only to hurt him through the one person he truly loved. All to keep him in line like some dog. It left his face red and boiled his blood. For if nothing else, she could at least let him be? Let him go and move on and away. She could do whatever the hell she wanted; he didn't care. But no, Talia only dug in her fangs and her claws, ripping away at yet another part of him, one he'd die for if he had to.

Raven tried to console him, but it was little use. He was too deep inside his own head. Swallowed by the thoughts and fears that made him question whether his life was even worth living anymore. And for what? For his mother to continue to humiliate him, take away his freedom and control: dominating every choice, every plan, every dream he ever had?

Even looking at Raven, he couldn't help but find her influence creeping over his young love. Her dark colored dress wreaked of something his mother would wear: a bit too revealing and a touch too tight. He was used to other men stealing looks at Raven for as long as he'd known her, but the dress seemed to invite far more lurid glances. The blood colored lipstick (which he came to recognize as his mother's favorite shade) admittedly looked amazing against her pure skin and indigo eyes. In fact, he thought she looked stunning. And if she'd picked the outfit without his mother's council, he'd have sung her praises like a love sick puppy.

When they got back to the manor, Raven followed him into his room and as soon as the door closed, the mood changed. Before she could even turn around, Damian was upon her. His hands taking hold of her zipper and sliding down her back. He slipped the dress off her shoulders roughly, tugging one of her bra straps free. he continued, pulling the tight garment off her breasts and pushing it to her hips as Raven turned to face him.

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