Chapter 1 - Not A Fucking Chance & A Longing Glance

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(Hey Readers thanks for all the votes on the last chapter, lets see if we can beat it, I appreciate it more than you realise, It gives me the motivation to keep writing. Comments as well, even if they're criticism, I'd love to hear what your thinking of the story, Thank you for being patient with me, Minitwine.) 

14th June 2022

Israel POV

"I hate it, I fucking hate losing." I groan into my phone as I sit on my bed in the hotel, the team was currently staying at.

I was currently on international duty with England and had just arrived back at the hotel in Wolverhampton after getting decimated by Hungary 4-0 at home, I had only just became a regular starter in the England team, and now we hadn't won in 4 games heading into this World Cup.

As soon as I got back I called my sister, unfortunately for her she was having to put up with grumpy and sulky me for the forseeable future as I vented out my frustrations, as well as her girlfriend Lucy Bronze.

"I know you do Ace," She says with a chuckle "I hear it everytime it happens." Her voice still has that hint of amusement in it and I can see through the face time that she wants to laugh.

Heading to the balcony in my hotel room I say "Distarct me please, take my mind off it, how was training?" The common warm smile comes to her face as we re-live this conversation for the I-don't-know-how-many-eth time.

"Eh it was alright, we ran a lot-" making me interrupt "Well we both know you hate that." "Ooooh sorrry Mr Usain Bolt wannabe, we all can't be as quick as you,"

I hear a voice start laughing in the background and I know who that it is but I'll wait to ask.

"But yeah after that part it was good played a few good passes and got a dirty nutmeg on Ella and I'm not gonna let her forget it." The cocky face she wears makes a happy one come to mine.

"How about the in-law?" I ask and just chuckle when I hear "All good Izzy. Although you have cost me Jill and a few others £5 each." 

A look of confusion comes over my face and Keira explains "We made a bet on what time you called me, they said you would stomach it tonight and call tomorrow, should of known who they were betting against."

"I expect 50% of the winnings Kei, just like we planned." I say passively, making the 2 girls chuckle, whilst looking away to the sky light from the hotel. 

I take a deep sigh and look up at the sky and say "I don't get why I care so much, all the other times there was a reason, whether it was at City, Fulham or even last season,"

"Like when I lost with them, it meant something worse like missing Champions League last season or gettin' relegated but this loss should literally mean nothing to me."

Keira looks at me confused not getting where I'm going with this or why I shouldn't care, Lucy's the same when she joins Keira on the bed.

"Why what do you mean Izz?" She asks whilst looking to Lucy to see if she can find an answer from her and the older girl shrugs her shoulders before they both look back at me.

"Well this was basically Gareth tryna find his best team for the World Cup, I'm not going to that am I?" I say like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Lucy squints her eyes at me with confusion written all over her face and Keira's head goes back and she groans before looking back at me and says "Izzy we've talked about this, just because you have one bad game does not mea--" 

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