Chapter 2 - Lionesses On The Rise & Aren't You A Sight For Sore Eyes

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(Hey Readers thanks for all the votes on the last chapter, lets see if we can beat it, I appreciate it more than you realise, It gives me the motivation to keep writing. Comments as well, even if they're criticism, I'd love to hear what your thinking of the story, Minitwine.)

July 31st 2022

Israel POV

I am shattered, this pre-season has been incredible so far for me and the team but the games have came quick and fast, as did the tour of America where we beat Everton, Orlando City and Chelsea.

But now we've been back home in London for a week and played against Brentford and just yesterday, we blitzed Sevilla, 6-0, with myself managing to get my head on the end of a corner to get the 5th goal.

Now that that's done though, pre-season has concluded, we all had a rest for the next 2 days until we start training again and fortunately for me that perfectly coincided with seeing my sister play in the Women's Euro's final.

I'd been following along with the tournament the entire time, whether I was in America with Arsenal or since we've flown back. I went to Brammal Lane for the Semi-Final against Sweden.

That was a very fun night for the Walsh family but the girls knew not to celebrate too much as the turn around for the final was only a few short days.

Those few short days turned out to be just that as before we knew it, it was final day. I woke up early like normal and after breakfast the nerves started kicking in.

I'm weird like that, I always tend to get nervous for one of my games ever since I turned professional and made my debut, but whenever Keira is playing or one of my friends is playing I'm always more nervous for them.

I think I know why, but that's a secret for another time.

It was around half past 10 in the morning when I get a message from Lucy Bronze. 'Could you get to the hotel as soon as please Keira's getting into her own head again.'

Without hesitation I reply back 'Be there in 15.' And whilst typing my response I stand up from my couch put my jacket on and make my way to the car park in my apartment building.

I jump in my car and make my way to the hotel in a very speedy manner, I park my car a street down and start jogging to the hotel.

As I'm jogging I ring Lucy and before my sister's girlfriend can say a word I spit out "What room?" Lucy tells me the room and I hang up.

Keira is the opposite of me when it comes to nerves, she gets more nervous for her own games and doesn't panic for any others. It's always been a thing even growing up.

I get in to the lobby of the hotel a bit out of breath, gather myself before casually walking to the elevator and pressing the button and wait for it to come down.

A woman approaches me dressed very smartly and wearing a very fake smile and says in a sickly sweet voice "Excuse me sir, what are you doing here." The way her eyes were digging into my skull I translated her words into, 'What the fuck are you doing here.'

Answering back in a rushed tone "Here to see my sister, sorry I didn't introduce myself, maybe next time, bye." As I finish the doors open I walk in and press the 4th floor before quickly pressing the button for the doors to close.

The journey up the 4 floors was quick and as soon as the doors open I see Lucy waiting for me, I step out and join her at her side giving her a brief hug before saying "How bad?"

"A bit worse than normal but not the worse I've seen her." Lucy sasy with concern still laced in her voice and I look at her my eyes go up almost like I'm doing mental calculations.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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