Act 1 Vol 1

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{Before I start the story, I know I know, another RWBY story? Well, I wanted to do this one, but couldn't find a way to fit it into the other. So, here we are.}

Ruby Rose is seen wandering through a forest, with her Scroll in her hand.

Ruby: "Nothing yet... are you sure Ozpin said it was over here?"

A voice is heard through the Scroll.

Weiss: "Yes. The energy spike is around there somewhere."

Blake: "Have you checked in the trees?"

Ruby slaps her face in embarrassment.

Ruby: "The trees! How could I forget the trees!"

She immediately dashes up a tree using her semblance, and starts jumping between trees while in the leaves. Soon enough, she spots a clearing nearby with a beach like area which was unkown previously, with a strange glyph drawn in the sand, and a girl laying in the middle of it. She seemed to have a school uniform, although not one of Beacon's. Ruby approaches, when a stream of light suddnly erupts from the girls bag, before forming into a large creature that Ruby had never seen before.

 Ruby approaches, when a stream of light suddnly erupts from the girls bag, before forming into a large creature that Ruby had never seen before

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Ruby: "Woah!"

???: "Agiaaas!"

The creature roared, before slightly backing off and nudging the girl on the ground with it's nose.

???: "...hmm?"

The girl stood up, petting the strange beast on the head. It seemed to purr for a moment, before looking back at Ruby. The girl's gaze followed, and her eyes widened.

{For clarification, I'll put an P for Pokémon English and an R for Remnant English.}

???(P): "Woah, where am I? Who are you?"

Ruby(R): "Uh, what?"

The two looked at each other, before Ruby realised something.

Ruby(R): "Do you... not speak the same language?"

???(P): "I, uh, don't know what you're saying."

Ruby thought for a moment, before figuring something out. She pointed to herself.

Ruby(R): "My name is Ruby. Ruby."

She then pointed to the girl.

Ruby(R): "And you? Your name?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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