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Ok after an month here is the double update. I traveled a lot these weeks and didnt had time :(

,,how about we change the shop a little bit? What do you guys think?" Claire asks looking around the small coffee shop.
,,I think it's time for a change, it's been ages, how about a completely makeover?" Dean suggest putting fresh flowers in the vase.

,,what do you mean by fresh makeover? Ripping everything out?" I laughed. I cut all of the sprinkle bags up and put them into there jars so the look more prettier next to each other.

,,no like we can paint the walls, renovate the bathrooms, getting knew furniture making an Instagram account and stuff. Things like that.
A new vibe, more cozy and minimalistic."
Dean gesture with his hand everywhere, he know what he wants.

,,that sounds good, and I can't see the wood anymore. Wood chairs, wood tables, wood floors ugh my eyes." she is definitely done with the wood.

Its noon right now and I'm at work. This morning I only had a few online classes and came directly to work afterwards. I work in a small cute coffee shop that belongs to my coworker aka friend Claire. Claire and her cousin dean are running together this coffee shop.
It's a easy and fun job. The only think I have to do is bake. We offer pastry's and I'm the one who makes them. Then Dean is the cashier and Claire is the waitress but we often bake together.

,,No but seriously guys let's take this serious, let's take a big step. I mean we have Elaine who can make the Instagram profile then we have Claire who has a good interior instinct and I can do all the orders etc."
Dean looks at both of us. Claire came begin the counter. I look at her, she looks at me. And there we have our answer.

,,lets do it." we say in snyc.


Butter? Butter where is it? Where is the butter?
After a while I found it and put it in the mixture.
It's 5 pm right now and we three are still in the shop doing pastry's. The shop already closed an hour ago but we have to do more stockings.
As I cut up some Vanille sprouts the knife is getting take out my hand.

,,go home Elaine, you look tired and also have a cold. It's fine me and Dean are doing the rest." Claire came behind me. She is right I'm tired but I should help them it's a lot.

,,no I'm okay it isn't that much anyways." I lie. I just have this bad feeling when I would leave and let them do this alone.

,,no argument Elaine." Chris came out of the stock. He had my jacket and bag in his hands.
Now i feel how Claire is undoing my apron.

,,guys..." now the bad feeling is coming in.
Dean is pushing lightly towards the door.
I give in cause I know these both are unstoppable.

,,thank you." as I was about to turn around and push the door open the door is getting opened from the other side.

It's Ayton.

,,what are you doing here?" I asked. He rarely comes here.

,, I have to keep my promise, you forgot?" which promise? I asked myself. I tried to think about what he was talking about?

,,the dinner dummy. Now come let's go."
Ohhh right he promised me dinner for exchange of helping him yesterday. I totally forgot.

,,Ohhhhh." I say loud.

,,Does it click in your head?" Clare said putting her arm over my shoulder.

,, you guys knew he was coming?"

,,yeah he called Dean." Claire motions her hand to Dean. He playfully lifts up an hand like in school.

,,Ok guys sorry to disappoint you but we are leaving." Ayton gave Dean this bro handshake and hugged Claire. I see the way she looks at him. It's confusing. I have that feeling that these days I am getting confused a lot. I laughed at my thought.

,,daydreaming?" Ayton came in my sight.

,,maybe? Come let's go, I'm hungry!" I gripped his arm and lead him outside. He walks to a car that was parked right in front of the shop.

,,since when do you have a car?" I asked admiring it.

,,it's not from me it's from the company. I use it sometimes." he said opening the door for me playfully acting like a valet. He shuts the door after I get in and walks around the car to get in himself.

,,Where are we gonna eat?" I asked him. He starts the motor.

,,At my place." he answered. I shut my mouth with my hand.

,,don't tell me you learned how to use the stove!"
I asked mocking him. I remember, back then when we were little he tried to cook for both of us because his parents weren't home and we were super hungry. But it end up with a fire, he was so scared of his parents. His Dad still jokes about it today. We all do.

,,haha no. And a little update I learned how to use it! But mom send me some food and she said I should share it with you." he said stopping at a red light.

,,omg really?? I fucking missed moms cooking."
I said with excitement.

Since my mom has passed, Aytons parents were there for me, they took care of me and  I will be forever grateful for that. Then growing up I got used to it calling her mom. She loves it. She told me that she always wanted a daughter and I am the best she could wish for. I love them all.


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