Chapter Three: LET GO OF ME! (💥)

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(Story Includes: Violence,  Swearing.)

     As Ry learned the route to school, he was panting and hyperventilating from the long-ass route, the school still wasnt anywhere in his sightings..

A van pulled up in-front of Ry, he backed up a little bit, the van back doors opened up.... "Hey, pal." It was two people.. They're both the most popular, two boys in the school, Daniel and Alec. So Ry knew he could trust them... right? "Oh, Hey guys!" Ry exclaimed, he did feel kind-of.. Whats the word? Blessed, to be acknowledged by the most popular guys.

"What brought— you guys here?" Ry said, "Oh, we were just... Driving to school, then we saw you," Daniel said, looking at Ry straight in the eyes. "Mhm!" Alec said to back up Daniel. "Sooo..We could drive you to school..Rryyy" Daniel said,
"Okay- Sure! That'd be fine!!" Ry exclaimed, yet again, feeling.. more blessed, they knew his name, surprisingly.

"Just c'mon, we don't have all day." Alec said turning away from Ry.
"Okay- okay." Ry said while looking in the distance— He saw a.. familiar license plate on a car.. It was.. his Moms?
Ry quickly jumped in the van, landing on his feet.
The car started moving. "Don't worry, Alec is a good driver, Ry." "okay- good"

"Could y'all like- pick me up everyday?" Ry said in a very nervous tone..
"err.. Suureee.. 😊" Daniel said oddly.. "But first, Ryy.." "Hm? What is it, Daniel?" The van came to a park.
"Oh! We're at schoo—"  "Nope." Daniel said.
"huh- okay-" Daniel slowly, started backing up closer to Ry..
"huh- Daniel, what are you tryna d-" Daniel grabbed Ry, and covered his mouth-
"MMMM-" (dont take that out of context istg)
"MM-!" Ry couldn't let out a single word, Ry's eyes slowly started watering, Daniel punched Ry's throat, and kicked his leg, then dropped Ry, his stomach (ry's) was facing the floor.
"wH- wHat are you—"
"dOing-" Ry's voice was breaking from the situation.
"Aww, did you really think you could trust us?" Daniel kicked Ry's side.
"aCk-" Some blood came out of Ry's mouth..
"tHis.. making me- liGht head-ed..." Ry's voice was really shaky.

       "Good." Daniel said, staring down at Ry with a grin on his face, Daniel turned around, as he had just beat the shit out of Ry, "Now stay quie—" Ry pulled Daniels leg, and he hit his nose on the floor of the van, causing it (Daniels nose) to bleed majorly."YOU- MOTHERFUCKER!-" Daniel exclaimed, "ALEC DO SOMETHING—" Daniel looked around  the van for Alec, but he was no-where.. "WHERE DID YO—" Ry stomped on Daniels back, this time making Daniel cough out blood. "MOTHERFUCKER—" Ry then stomped on Daniels head, making a eerie ring in Daniel's ears... Ry took a deep breath, and realized what he just fucking.. did.. "I— i'm.. i'm sorry-" Ry hopped out of the Van, and continued walking the route to school.. "All that fucking did was- set me off track.." Ry looked around, trying to realize where he was. "Is this—.. Sages neighbor-hood?.. are you-" Ry groaned.. "I still have to walk like.. Miles and miles are some shit..."


[538 WORDS]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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