Milky Maiden Goes Viral

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"There's something I should tell you." Davis said seriously as he exited my bathroom, zipping up his pants. That was his third trip to the bathroom since he finished milking me. His once pregnant looking belly was now merely a little bit swollen.

"Okay, well now you're starting to scare me a little." I said sitting up on the couch. Davis had brought over one of his white dress shirts from his apartment next to mine so I could cover my chest. I had slipped the piece of clothing over my arms but left it unbuttoned as the fabric rubbing against my nipples was unbearably uncomfortable. What was the point anyway? I didn't know how big these things would swell up to and I didn't want to find out. Not to mention that'd be pretty shitty of me to ruin one of Davis's nice dress shirts.

"Oh don't worry," he said waving it off as he took a seat next to me on my couch," it's not that bad... but you might look down on me or differently once I tell you, but there's an upside to it."

"I'm sure I can't think badly of you after all you've done for me today. Especially with all this. I motioned to the large mammaries resting on my chest, feeling the pressure slowly build back up once again. It had only been an hour and a half and it seemed like I'd have to be milked yet again.

"Ok then, I'll come right out and say it. I'm a porno director."

My eyebrows lifted a bit in surprise. I didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't that.

"Go on?" I said, a little intrigued.

"Well I'm guessing you were probably wondering why I was casually carrying two-hundred big ones in my wallet." He clasped his hands together and chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, I was. But it's really nothing to be ashamed of. People got to make a living somehow."

"Well being a director for... spicy videos, I typically get paid in large sums of cash hence the hundred bills in my wallet. But another thing is that there's actually a surprising amount of people who would pay to see what we just did. And pay a large sum of money too."

"What? Me being milked?" I asked incredulously, moving my knee on top of the other nervously.


"So what are you asking me to do here?"

"I would like to film a session of me milking you. But only if you're comfortable."

"Um, I don't know. We agreed on you helping relieve me, but not film it and make it a porno." I squirmed at the thought of my face and chest plastered all over a bunch of different porn sites. I clutched the fabric on my skirt tightly, realizing I should technically be paying Davis for this arrangement.

"I'll pay you the initial $200 like we agreed upon, but 60% of the revenue from the video will go to you. Like I said a lot of people have a fetish to your condition. Me included." He admitted as a bright red blush flooded his cheeks.

I was not expecting to hear that, but the reaction in his pants earlier was evidence as such. "Do I have to show my face?"

"No, not at all. All we have to do is film your assets growing a bit and then me draining you." He explained calmly. "If anyone's face is going to be shown it's mine."

"Oh ok then. It did feel kinda nice earlier." I said, hesitantly."

"So you like the curse?" Davis questioned.

"Oh hell no!" I snapped back quickly with a laugh. "My back is killing me, my chest is super tight and sensitive, not to mention I'm leaking freaking breast milk! What I meant was the sensation and feelings I felt while being milked were enjoyable. Not that I enjoy this god forsaken curse."

"Oh ok." He said back meekly, moving away from me a little.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. I get it. I mean I really don't get it, but I get it."

An awkward tension formed between us as he absentmindedly stared down at my engorged tits. I decided to just rip the band aid off. "Um, if you want to get the camera ready I think I'm almost full again."

Davis popped off the couch and sprinted for his apartment, re-entering mine a minute later. It took him a matter of minutes to set the thing up. He directed me to stand in front of the recording device, first showcasing my endowments from the front, then turning to the side where he would begin relieving me.

"Are you sure you wanna do this now? Aren't you still full?" I asked, twirling my long blonde hair innocently, taking his fullness into account. I didn't want him hurting himself.

"Lauren, for you?" He paused while looking me deep in the eye and smirked,"I'll never be full."

I blushed intensely as Davis went into full director mode. He aimed the camera to my exposed chest area, making sure not to expose my face, and pressed record. He'd told me to just stand there and let my breasts plumpen up a bit before he would give me a hand signal to turn.

I stood there awkwardly for about five minutes, while watching Davis get a gnarly boner in his pants. It kinda turned me on a little. I noticed my nipples were erect and seemingly getting longer by the second. Finally Davis gave the hand signal and I slowly turned to my side, my boobs swaying and jiggling while doing so. I almost moaned from the pleasurably pain that radiated from my nips.

Unlike the first time, Davis went for my right boob first and started sucking slowly. I felt shivers and tingles travel up my spine as he sucked and rubbed his hands along my back side. Then, unexpectedly, he started sucking harder and faster, smushing and rubbing my left tit all over the side of his face. I tried to stifle my moans, but they escaped and at full fury. I went wet down there as a burning pressure built up in my crotch. I almost fingered myself before remembering this was all being filmed.

When Davis was done with the first boob he went to the second, wasting no time. He went slow again before sucking like an infant on a mission.
Within minutes me boob had been ferociously drained of its milk and I was left with two smaller, but still humongous, boobs than before. My chest felt so much better as my back did too.

After another trip to the bathroom, seeing as Davis looked like he was expecting his first born child any day now, again, he began to quickly edit the footage. When that was done he uploaded the footage to his main site and waited.

I don't know, but there was something about him that made me burn passionately. I don't know why I hadn't noticed it until then. As Davis refreshed the page of the porno we just filmed together- smiling like a doofus- I got up from my spot on the couch and walked over to the table he was sitting at. He looked at me confused for a second, and I revealed in it as he had no clue what was in store for him. I bent down and kissed him on the mouth. He hesitated at first before reciprocating. Before I knew it we were making love under the sheets of my queen sized bed.

Unbeknownst to us, at the same time, our porno was going viral- being dubbed The Milky Maiden Gets Milked. When Davis went to check on how it was doing after our little session of fun, the video was already at 125,000k views.

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