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~Lins POV~

After I finished with the letter I folded it up and put it in my bag. I figured it would be safer at work. I wasn't going to send the letter to anyone, at least not right this moment.

-Time skip-

It was morning time on a two-show day so I knew I was going to be home later. I drive to the theater and took my stuff and when inside like a normal day. I put my stuff down and grabbed the letter and hid it in my drawer before anyone was here or found it. The day went on like normal we had our 1st show and time to spare after so we decided to play some games before the next one started.

"What should we do?" asked Renee

"Ohh, we should play truth or dare!" Jon said. Everyone agreed to play so we sat down in a circle and started. Jon started because it was his idea. "Pippa truth or dare"

"truth" she said with a smirk

"Ok, have you ever stayed up all night before a show?" Jon said with his eyebrows raised at pippa.

"Yes" pippa said in a disappointing way.

We played until it was time for the next show. Some people had very interesting truths but it was just all fun.

-Time skip-

It was after the show and everyone was going to go out for a group dinner. We had to get changed and ready to go. I was usually last off the stage from the main cast. I was walking towards my dressing room when I heard Renee was looking for me. I just went to my room but surprisingly Renee was there already. She was sitting on the couch looking like she was waiting for me. No one else was in there. She quickly got up and locked the door. I followed her with my eyes as she walked around the room. I was confused but after a second she was in front of me again. She looked at me in the eyes. She didn't look mad or sad she looked serious.

"What is this Lin?" she said holding up a paper and pointing to it. SHIT SHIT SHIT. No one was supposed to see that letter. I had to tell her, she might have already read the letter.

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