Ada's father is here

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Time skip.....

She makes it to play place

Green sees him: What is he doing here?!

Sharon- He's been shot !

Blue: What?! By who?!

Brutus: I don't know! I was about to make a move on Sharon when someone shot me!

Orange- Looks like someone did Green a favor.

Sharon glares

Sharon- Orange !

Orange: Sorry.

Red: Come, let's take him to the lab.

Sharon watches him get taken to the lab before Green went over to her

Green: Sharon? Do you still love me? I mean, Maisie said you can have more than one lover.

Sharon holds his long hand

Sharon- Of course I still love you , Green ! I always will

Green smiles and snuggles him*

Maisie: Someone shot Brutus?

Ice cube: We have a shooter in Toon town?

Sharon- I mean I got scared and when I heard the shot I saw Brutus went out of his hiding spot to get me

Zell: Com'on it's not like the killer will come here.

Troy sniffs and he gasps: Look out! *pushes Porsha down and the bullet missed them*

Jenny- You know Troy. When it comes to couples you are jothing but a major league DOUCHE at showing it !

Troy: Hey!

A bullet nearly hit Fenrir*

Everyone goes inside.

Jenny-( To Troy ) FAT MOUTH. Big FAT blabber mouth. You and Zell

Zell: Hey!

Tito: Who was that?

Cake: I don't know but we're in trouble!

They keep dodging the bullets, they are trapped in Orange's room*

Jenny- Oh so this is a good idea JUST SIT HERE LIKE A BUNCH OF COWARDS YOU ARE !!!

Tito: There you go with the arguing again!

Maisie: We need to do something before it kills us!

The figure kicks the door open, they gasped*

Alli hugs Ada scared as the figure sees her*

???: My daughter....

Ada recognizes the voice

Julian: Huh?

The figure came out to be a humanoid ram who is holding a gun*

They gasped and looked at Ada.

Jenny- No way....

Tito- That's her father !

Jenny- Oh my God ! You can't tell ? Uh duuuuuuuuuyhhh !

Ada runs to her dad*

She hugs him tight as they looks

Ram: Your safe...

Muskrat: Your alive?

Bumper: But we thought you were dead

Ram: I wasn't dead, I was unconscious.

Tito- How were we supposed to know that?

Jenny-( to her friends ) Dumbass MOTHERFUCKER.

Ram: When I came to I saw you saved my daughter and took her somewhere safe, my senses say she was here, so I came to look for her

Tiptup: But why were you shooting at us?

Ram: I wasn't shooting at you. "glares at the wolves* I was shooting at them*

Jenny- Man how could you all be so STUPID ! There's a little thing to tell if a person is dead or alive-- CHECK THE GODDAMNED PULSE you dumbass bitches !

Ram: You didn't see where I was cause I wasn't at the rocks.

Jenny was about to speak but he has a point, they didn't*

Jenny- ( Lares t her friends ) Still though. They shouldn't be so dumb or helpless or STUPID. They should have been Smart enough to do all that !

Porsha: Hey, Troy here saved me, he's my hero.

Scratches: And wait a minute! We don't hurt Ada!

Howla: Not all wolves are bad you know!

Jenny- Still though. It's not his fault that you guys are stupid..

Priscilla- Yeah , stupid !

Zara- you're stupid too , stupid !

Snips is hurt: How could you.

Maisie: I'm sorry Mister Ram, we've been through this arguing thing sometimes.

Ram: I see.

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