Green talks to Brutus and Trico stays

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They see Moses has grown older in the Midian village , his hair grew longer and he has a nice beard to go with it

They smiled*

They see him and Tzipporah watching the flock of sheep and Moses left a flower for her

Tops: Awwwww!

Time skip...

They taught Moses how to do things the Midian way

Pentol: Cool!

Then they look and see the three sisters giggling as Moses and Tzipporah told Jethro they're engaged and he hugged them tight

The heroes are excited*

Time skip....

After getting married , Moses- and Tzipporah dance happily while Jethro happily watched.

Moses and Tzipporah state each other lovingly into each other's eyes. Moses- couldn't be more happier

Samartha: So romantic!

Smarty- and the heroes smile

Smarty- Looks like Moses- is happy the way he's living now....

Savy- Yeah.....

With the kids....

They made it to the place

They looked around for Blitzo*

Blitzo takes the dress

Maisie: Dad? You here?!

Blitzo- hears her

Blitzo- Huh ? Maisie ?!

Striker looks: Sugar cube! *runs to him*

Blitzo- Babe !

Striker hugs him: Are you okay?

Maisie: Where's Trico.

Blitzo- I'm okay. Trico is with his girlfriend

They see Trico nuzzling his girlfriend as the other creatures of him looked*

Jenny- Wow !

Snips- Another Trico ?!

Blitzo- I know ! There's more of him too !

Troy: Does this mean Trico is their leader now?

Blitzo- I guess so. But if that's true.... I don't think he'll come back home...

Maisie went to Trico*

Trico looks

Maisie: Are you staying Trico?

Trico looks at his girlfriend and to the others

Trico coos to her that this is his destiny to be here and lead the others*

Blitzo is sad

Maisie pets him: You'll come visit us right?

Trico coos of course*

Blitzo- hugs him.

Blitzo- I felt like this is my fault. If we just gave you more attention , you wouldn't be leaving...

Trico pets him cooing: Don't blame yourself, I just wanted to find love and place to call home.

Blitzo tears up as he hugs him

Trico hugs him back*

Blitzo- I'll miss you Trico.... Will you promise to come and visit us ?

Trico coos of course*

Blitzo- hugs him tight.

With Sharon...

She smiles as she sees Brutus peacefully sleeping

Green smiles at this too*

He went over to her

Green snuggles her*

Sharon- Oh Green~

Green: Yes?

Sharon- You are so sweet , and adorable~

Green: Yes I am my love.

She kisses his nose area before they hear him waking up

Green looks*

Sharon sees him waking up

Brutus: *yawn* I'm hungry now...

Sharon playfully glares at him.

Sharon- Okay , just because I'm taking care of you does not mean you should treat me as your personal nursemaid

Brutus chuckles: Okay.

Sharon- Now what should you say ?

Brutus: Please?

Sharon- Alrighty then.

Sharon then leaves to make him something to eat. Green chuckles at her little sassy side before Brutus turned to him

Brutus: You protect her a lot huh?

Green- Of course I do. Why wouldn't I ? The girl is just so preciois to me.

Brutus: Cool.

Green- We'll what about you ?

Brutus: She's hot.

Green- Is it looks like you only care about ?

Brutus: No.

Green- I will say this : Sharon maybe beautiful but she's not a personal play thing for men like you. She deserves to be treated like a Queen. I love her. She is a sweet and kind girl who accepted me as a monster and for my blindness and she showed no fear of me. She's part deaf and she has been taken advantage of by few men who wanted her but she rejected all of them because they were all so shallow and superficial

Brutus: Oh....

Green looks at him

Brutus: I didn't realize...

Green- Yes ?

Brutus: I won't be like those jerks.

Green- And how will Sharon or I know that ?

Brutus: I'll be less flirty.

Green- Look. The flirting is not what I'm worried about. You can flirt but it's Sharon- ending up getting hurt is what I'm worried about

Brutus looks at her*

Green- I'm just afraid you might hurt her

Brutus: I won't.

Green- Are you sure about that ?

Brutus: Positive.

Green takes a deep breath and sighed.

Green- Alright. I trust you .

Sharon came back with soup

Sharon- I'm back !

Brutus: Yummy!

Sharon- Chicken noodle soup. Hope you like it.

She placed it down

Brutus smiles and begins to eat it*

Sharon- How is it ?

Brutus: It's good!

Green chuckles*

Sharon giggles before Brutus turned to her

Brutus kisses her hand*

Sharon- Oh !

Brutus smiles*

Sharon blushes pink before she smiles.

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