Chapter 1: Mermaids Exist!? Part 1

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When she was 4 years old, Alex Dunn and her parents moved from New York City, NY to the sunny gold coast of Australia when her father got transferred for work. Both of her parents work for Stark Industries. Her dad, Matthew Dunn, is an engineer who's working on clean energy, and her mom, Sarah Dunn, is a receptionist at the Stark Building. 5 years later when she was 9 (almost 10), Alex was walking on the beach around midday by herself as she usual dose. Being homeschooled left her with lots of time to herself, she's been doing this on her own for 2 years now to help her relax and clear her head. The 9-year-old was now going to her favorite part of the beach; it's secluded behind some rocks, far away from beach goers, has the best seashells for shelling (seashell hunting), and it was also very peaceful a great place to relax. Usually. But not today. When she was approaching the area she started to hear some voices

3 girls and a guy.

"Huh? That's weird." Alex thought "Most people don't know about this place. I wonder if they came for some seashells, too?"

After she finished that thought, she decided to keep moving forward, now a little bit faster than she was earlier. She wanted to make sure not lose her chances of finding the best shells, believing she now has competition for finding them.

As she got closer, she heard the voices a bit clearer, and they didn't seem happy.

"They sound like they're arguing."
She sighs to herself,
"Great. Now I can't go shelling for awhile. Who knows how long it'll take for them to leave? Guess I'll just have to wait it out then."

After that thought, alex decided to hide to wait out their argument or for them to leave. She didn't want to get told to leave her favorite spot just because of their arguing.She then found a place to hide, behind some rocks.Without seeing the group prior she got into her hiding place. After she was well hidden, she started to listen in to their conversation. That's when the boy of the group known as Lewis started talking.

Lewis: "Cleo, I'm glad you got over your fear of the water and that you and the sea turtles are safe. Really, I am, but you should've been more careful... if Rikki and Emma were even a second later it...."the boy paused for a moment then sighs," could've been REALLY bad news."

He said this with both concern and frustration in his voice.

Then the girl (now identified to be) Cleo responded apologetically to Lewis,

Cleo: "I'm sorry, Lewis. I didn't mean to worry all of you. I'm fine, really. I was just unlucky this time, I'll be more careful from now on, so it won't happen again. I promise."

Then 2nd girl (who Alex could only assume to be) Emma then spoke to Cleo, as if she was scolding a child,

Emma: "But he's right, Cleo. If Rikki and I were any later, you would've been exposed and captured! You should've been more careful!"

The 3rd girl,(last to be identified as)Rikki, then retorted in a slightly aggressive tone,

Rikki: "Lighten up, Em. She said she's sorry and that she'll be more careful from now on; and it's not like she planned on being caught in an illegal fishing net. Besides she's not hurt and no one saw her or us, so I think we should just drop it."

"Fishing net? Why would this Cleo girl be caught in a fishing net? What does that girl Emma mean by 'exposed' and 'captured'?"

Alex was confused in thought for a moment, but then Emma spoke up again, bringing Alex back into reality.

Emma: "Rikki, we can't 'just drop it'. What she did today was seriously reckless! Those fishermen were already on edge because of what we already did to their nets. They got all ready to go catch their "shark" when cleo decided it was a good idea to go after them on her first swim ever since we transformed! She didn't even wait for us, even though she told Lewis to go tell us. Also, she couldn't even swim before the transformation; she could've ended up drowning if she didn't figure out how to swim with her tail in time! She should've been more careful and should have waited for us."

As Rikki and Emma started to have a more heated argument about Cleo's choices, Alex was trying to digest everything she just heard, not fully understanding what's happening.

"Shark? She doesn't mean that shark that attacked the fishing boats from the news right?.......and what did she mean by transformed? Transformed into what? Wait, she also said 'tail'. Who has a tail?.......I wonder?"

Alex suddenly got severely curious about what the group looked like. She then decided to get up from her hiding spot to finally look at the group of 4 she had been listening to. When she finally looked at them, she spotted the 3 girls, and her hazel-green eyes widened. She covered her mouth with her hand in shock. There she saw all 3 girls lying on the sand at the edge of the beach where the land meets the sea with the tide hitting them as they lay down on their stomachs. They had orange scale bikini tops and fish tails to match.

"The girls, they're.....mermaids."

She paused for a moment processing her thoughts then the realization hits.

"Mermaids exist!? But how!? I thought they were just pretend like dragons and magic! Mermaids are actually real? I..l can't believe it."

Alex couldn't help but stare at the girls. She then noticed the boy called Lewis and looked at him closely. She recognized him instantly, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

"That's the guy who tries to take my shelling spot and turn it into his fishing spot! That guy knows mermaids!?"

But Alex then stumbled and fell off the rock she was on, which attracted the attention of one of the girls. The girl who had curly blonde hair and crystal blue eyes... It was the girl known as Rikki. After she spotted the young redhead, her eyes widened in shock and horror. She then began to alert the others in a panicked tone,

Rikki: "Uhh, guys! We have company, Look!"

Cleo, Emma, and Lewis turn to where Rikki spotted the young girl. All of them now look and feel mortified at the fact that they unintentionally exposed themselves to the unidentified girl. Both the group and Alex stare at each other for a few moments. Then Alex, slightly fearful of getting caught spying on them and uncertain of what to do next, starts to run. The girls are panicked by this. Then rikki quickly turned to Lewis,

Rikki: "What are you waiting for Lewis!? An invitation!? Stop her before she gets away! We can't let her leave! HURRY!"

Lewis snaps out of his shocked state and starts his pursuit of the 9 year old to prevent her from leaving, and to bring her back to the others in hopes of convincing her to not tell the world that mermaids exist.

this chapter is based off of season 1 episode 3 of "H20: just add water" titled "Catch of the Day", this scene is made up for chapter 1, and is not in the show at all for those who haven't seen the show, this chapter is a 2 parter, and part 2 will pick up right where we left off. Also I hope you enjoyed part 1 of this chapter and see you all next time!

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