Touhou girls sing 12 days of Christmas

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Me and everyone are decorating some Christmas stuffs then Alice brought her friends and the Prismriver Sisters

Me:Hey Alice,why are you bring some of Touhou girls here?

Alice:Well Ezekiel since it's Christmas month,so me and my friends gonna sing "12 days of Christmas".

Me:Ah ok.

Ruby:I wanna heard them singing!

Neptune:Me too!

All Bang Dream girls:Us too!

Alice:Alright, there is a 75 point five percent chance this isn't going to work, since I know you girls are all so fond of causing trouble, but I thought we should just give this a try. Lunasa, ready?


Alice:Merlin, ready?

Merlin:You betcha!

Alice:Lyrica, ready?

Lyrica:As I'll ever be.

- music starts -

Alice:On the first day of Christmas, my goddess gave to me:

a French doll in a tree.

Yukari:Okay! On the second day of Christmas, my goddess gave to me:

Two giant trains!

Alice:And a French doll in a tree!

Sanae:On the third day of Christmas, my goddess gave to me:

Three head pats!

Yukari:Two giant trains!

Alice:And a French doll in a tree! Hey, this is going kinda well!

Marisa:On the fourth day of Christmas, my goddess gave to me:

Four master sparks!

Sanae:Pat pat pat.

Yukari:Two giant trains!

Alice:And a French doll in a tree!

Suika:On the fifth day of Christmas, my goddess gave to me:

Five gourds of beer!

Yukari:Yeah, sing it girl.

Marisa:Four master sparks!

Sanae:Sanae is a good girl!

Yukari:Two giant trains!

Alice:And a French doll in a tree!

Komachi:On the sixth day of Christmas, my yama gave to me:

Six weeks off!

Suika:Five gourds of beer!

Eiki:I did NOT give you six weeks OFF, you lazy pig!

Marisa:Four master sparks!

Sanae:Pat pat pat.

Yukari:Two giant trains!

Alice:And a French doll in a tree! I'm sorry about that, Ms. Death God Judge, we were just in the Christmas spirit is all--

Chen:On the seventh day of Christmas my mistress gave to me--

Then someone blasts the wall


Me:Gah! My wall!

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