Chapter 4

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[Third Person]

Janet looks at her friend along with a tall gorgeous woman in a green suit beside her. With disbelief.

They both have smudge lipstick on their lips, and both have kiss swollen lips.

She sighged and spoke.

"Please fix your lipstick before I came back with Alex."
She simply said, walking inside her house to get Everly's son.

Everly's eyes immediately went wide upon hearing what her friend told her.

She was about to get her compact mirror, when Amelia gently grabbed her chin, tilting it upward, wiping the smudge lipstick off.

Amelia has a big smirk on her face, and Everly immediately buried her face against Amelia's chest.

Amelia just chuckled and dropped a sweet kiss at the top of Everly's head.

They immediately pulled back when they here footsteps coming to the door.

The door opened, revealing Everly's 3 years old son.

he squealed, then immediately reached towards Everly.

Amelia was just observing the two, she can't help but feel at awe at them, yes she knows that it's Damien's son, but his son is innocent, he didn't asked to be here.

Amelia was pulled back from her reverie when Everly tug her sleeve.

"Let's go??"
She ask, still holding her son.

She nodded, and lead them towards her car.

Amelia open the passenger back seat so Everly can strap her Son on the car seat, then she gently close the door, and Amelia tug Everly's arm towards the back of the car.

Then out of nowhere Amelia pinned Everly on the back of the car, capturing her lips.

Everly gasped then smile, she wrapped her around Amelia's neck, pulling her closer then she pulled back, because her son is still in the car.

"Behave, I have my son on your car. But we can continue this when he naps."
Everly whispered.

She immediately nodded, then she lead Everly towards the passenger side of the car, open the car door for her.

Amelia got into her car and started driving away.

"So are you hungry??"
Amelia asked.

Everly nodded, as she kept her attention in the road.

Amelia placed her hand on Everly's thigh as she rides.

"What's your son's name??"
Amelia ask, starting a conversation.

"His name is Alexander Devin Grey."
Everly replied wholeheartedly. 

I smiled, I looked at him slightly on the rearview mirror and I can see him watching the cars passing us.

"How about we grab a bite at Lux's??"
I ask.

Everly look a little uneasy but nodded.

Amelia slightly squeeze her thigh to ease the tension.

It may sound shocking to everyone, but Damien never let Everly eat in any restaurant, saying and I quote "a slut like you don't deserve to eat in any high end restaurant. You're lucky I feed you at all"

The physical, verbal and mental abuse that she received from his husband made Everly numb. But when she met Amelia, she felt something she never felt before, that's why she felt safe with Amelia, and she know that Amelia would take good care of her along with her son.

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